
Monday, December 10, 2012

(LUSAKA TIMES) Some PF Ministers are working with MMD-Kabimba

Some PF Ministers are working with MMD-Kabimba
TIME PUBLISHED - Sunday, December 9, 2012, 5:43 pm

PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba has made a shocking revelation that some serving cabinet ministers have divided loyalty between the PF and other political parties.

Mr. Kabimba said there are some senior PF members including Ministers, MP’s and members of the party’s Central Committee that have divided loyalty.

He said he is extremely concerned that such members are traitors and are selling confidential party information to other political parties.

“Let me say this to the nation that as Secretary General of this party, I’m extremely concerned that some of our senior members including Ministers are working against this party, they selling information to the MMD to bring confusion to the PF.”

Mr. Kabimba advised the general PF membership to be on the lookout for such members and ensure that the interests of the party are safeguarded.

The PF Secretary General was speaking in Lusaka this morning when he officially opened the PF Lusaka Province Consultative Conference.

“I don’t subscribe to these democratic theories that the party should be separated from government because in 2016, Zambians will not ask government workers questions, they will be asking you and me whether we have delivered on our promises.”

And Mr. Kabimba has told PF members that they will only get appointed to senior party or government positions if they exhibit high levels of loyalty to the party.

He said President Michael Sata will only appoint loyal PF members to key positions adding that those that show lack of loyalty will be left out.

Mr. Kabimba said the PF is the only party that can offer better services to its members since it is the party in government and urged all members to stay united.

“This is where the honey is, some of these parties only have bees, in the PF, you will find the honey and the bees,” Mr. Kabimba told a cheering crowd of party leaders.

Meanwhile, Mr Kabimba stated that the PF has a duty to supervise all government programmes and operations.

He said PF members should take an interest in ensuring that all civil servants are delivering according to the expectations of the party.

Mr. Kabimba said he would not hesitate to recommend that any civil servants frustrating the PF programmes be fired immediately.

He said PF members have the mandate to ensure that their government workers adopt the party programmes.

“I don’t subscribe to these democratic theories that the party should be separated from government because in 2016, Zambians will not ask government workers questions, they will be asking you and me whether we have delivered on our promises.”

“Our party will be an authority on all government programmes,” Mr. Kabimba declared.

The gathering attracted party leaders from all districts in Lusaka province included the realigned Chirundu and new districts such as Shibuyunji and Rufunsa.

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