
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Maureen says she wants to stay away from politics

Maureen says she wants to stay away from politics
By Tilyenji Mwanza
Sun 16 Dec. 2012, 14:00 CAT

MAUREEN Mwanawasa says she wants to stay away from the current political frenzy and live in peace.

The widow of president Levy Mwanawasa said she was now an active farmer and that farming was taking up much of her time. She described the current political situation in the country as a political frenzy guided by the media. She said farming was good for her peace of mind.

"I just want to stay away from all this political frenzy and live in peace. Right now I am busy with my farm and that is what I am revamping in Chongwe," Maureen said.

"You see, you people in the media have your own agendas and I don't want to be part of active politics right now, especially the ongoing debates. I just want to live in peace and busy with my farm."

Maureen said the farm was doing well although it had not been spared by the army worms that had attacked the whole of Chongwe.

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