
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

MMD won't go into oblivion like UNIP, says Dora

MMD won't go into oblivion like UNIP, says Dora
By Kombe Chimpinde and Allan Mulenga
Tue 18 Dec. 2012, 14:00 CAT

MMD chairperson for finance Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane wants Nevers Mumba's dual presidency and Major Richard Kachingwe's expulsion discussed by the party's National Executive Committee (NEC).

And MMD spokesperson Dora Siliya says the party will not go into oblivion like UNIP did.

Meanwhile the MMD Lusaka Province youths have petitioned NEC to endorse the expulsion of Maj Kachingwe at their next meeting.

In an interview yesterday, Dr Musokotwane, who is Liuwa MMD member of parliament, also said MMD was undergoing a rough patch.

"If it is tabled in the NEC, then we will express our views on it," he said.

"If there is a contention about that issue, it should be tabled before NEC and then we discuss and agree on the way forward."

He, however, said the differences were normal in politics.

"This is part of politics. How many vice-presidents has UPND had (since its inception)? How many national secretaries has PF had? So squabbles in politics happen. The important thing is that we are able to regroup and continue forward. Right now, we are going through a rough patch. I think it will be unwise to deny that," he said.

"Defections are a normal thing in any party. There were defections in UNIP. They were defectors to MMD when it was in government. You remember about two years ago nearly half of the members of parliament (rebel MPs) belonging to PF defected, almost half. So these are normal things in politics. Of course you must have good reasons for defecting and personally I have no reason to defect from MMD."

Dr Situmbeko was hopeful that many Zambians would begin to symphasise with the MMD.

"The fact that election promises have not been delivered…they (people) are dissatisfied with the fact that they had very high hopes in good governance, observance of the rule of law, observance with freedom of association. They are observing these things. They are very disappointed that now they have to queue up for mealie -eal. These are fertile grounds for the opposition parties. Those who are affected will see value in joining the opposition MMD," said Dr Musokotwane.

He said the defections in the party were as a result of the rough patch that had gripped the former ruling party.

"Party's are like living organisms. There was PF, nearly half of the people defected but it found other ways of bringing other people and today, they are in government. The success shall not be judged on whether people are defecting but whether many more other people are being attracted to the party," Dr Musokotwane said.

Asked why they were seemingly no new members joining the MMD, a situation that had been compounded by the confusion that had befallen the party, Dr Situmbeko said that each party had its own squabbles.
Recently, MMD chairman for elections Gabriel Namulambe resigned from the MMD to join the PF.

And party vice-president administration Dr Brian Chituwo differed with Mumba over his dual presidency of both the MMD and the Reform Party and Maj Kachingwe's expulsion.

Dr Chituwo wants both issues discussed by NEC but Mumba says the decision to expel Maj Kachingwe is final.

And speaking when she received the petition by Lusaka youths on behalf of NEC members, Siliya, who is also Petauke Central MMD member of parliament, said the leadership would not be swayed by the conduct of a few individuals who were against the party leadership.

"This party is yours. You have to ensure that you take ownership. You have to ensure that you support the leadership. There is no party with the record like MMD. We are not going to be swayed. We are not going into oblivion like UNIP did. It will not happen to MMD," she said.

Siliya said the greatest enemy of the PF was time to deliver of its campaign promises.

"The greatest enemy of promises is time. MMD has time on its hand because we will see those promises fail and we will remind the Zambians that those promises failed. We have a track record and MMD back in government will ensure that we improve on that record," said Siliya.

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