
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Mulenga Sata is new Lusaka deputy mayor

Mulenga Sata is new Lusaka deputy mayor
By Mukosha Funga
Tue 25 Dec. 2012, 12:00 CAT

MULENGA Sata has been elected as deputy mayor of Lusaka. Mulenga, the Kabulonga ward councilor, went unopposed during elections at Lusaka City Council yesterday. The seat fell vacant after Theresa Funga resigned to take up a diplomatic appointment.

The deputy mayor position was initially to be contested by Mulenga and Kamwala ward councillor Joyce Banda who dropped out of the race at the last minute. Mulenga, in an interview, said people were going to see improvement in service delivery because the council was now being completely run by the ruling Patriotic Front.

"I am very excited about the opportunity that has been presented to me to not just be part of a team but to be in a position to be able to influence government to a certain extent the direction that the council takes from here because the LCC has not been in this position since 1991 when we had a ruling government that had a council controlled by its own party.

We had in the last council, a hostile central government that did everything to frustrate the efforts of the council. People are expected to see some real change because you have got 100 per cent PF council with a PF president so they will see significant improvement in the area of service delivery," he said.
Mulenga said he would use his engineering experience to improve on road construction in the city.

"We have a road department which is essentially ineffectual because it has no resources to employ its full complement of staff and labour. I come from an engineering background and I would like to see us taking control of our own programme vis-a-vis roads and rehabilitation and construction," he said.
Mulenga emphasised the need to broaden the resource base for the council.

"As a council, it is of vital importance that we work hard to generate resources and collect the revenue that is due to us so that we can provide some of these fundamental services. I am excited to be in this position and I look forward to working with my team, with the mayor at its head, and I see us achieving great things working closely with the government through the Ministry of Local Government and Housing," said Mulenga

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