
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My wife joined a mature party - Katele

My wife joined a mature party - Katele
By Mwala Kalaluka
Wed 26 Dec. 2012, 14:20 CAT

KATELE Kalumba says he fully supports his wife, Lumba's intelligent decision to join a mature party like the PF.

Dr Kalumba, a former MMD national secretary and finance minister now domiciled in his Chiengi homestead where he is Induna Natende wa Lushiba at chief Puta's traditional court, said in an interview yesterday that Lumba arrived at her decision to join the ruling party after intelligent reflection.

"I am only talking about my wife," he said when asked to comment on the recent defection of the entire Emmanuel Chungu-led MMD Luapula Province executive to the PF. "My wife did not defect at all from the MMD. They had been expelled, I think everybody remembers that."

Dr Kalumba said for some time now, Lumba, who was the chairperson for health in the MMD national executive committee, had been reflecting on her constitutional right of political association by assessing which party to participate in.

"She is not me, she is a different person with her own conscience," he said. Dr Kalumba said Lumba told him that she looked at all the political parties in the country, except the MMD which had expelled her, and came to a conclusion that the PF provided mature leadership.

"She felt that she can work with the PF as a party," he said.

"That President Sata is a mature leader who has a vision of what Zambia wants at the moment."

Dr Kalumba said it was this conclusion that compelled Lumba to travel all the way from Lusaka to Mansa to join the PF together with the MMD provincial leaders that were defecting from the party.

"There is a hell of a difference between defecting and joining," said Dr Kalumba. "…I stand by my wife anytime, any day. She is my other half, she is my life, my lover, my wife, the mother to my children. She has never made a decision without reflecting intelligently. She has made an intelligent decision by joining a mature party."

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