
Monday, December 17, 2012

Namulambe gets hero's welcome in Mpongwe

Namulambe gets hero's welcome in Mpongwe
By Darious Kapembwa in Mpongwe
Mon 17 Dec. 2012, 14:00 CAT

GABRIEL Namulambe yesterday received a hero's welcome when he, alongside 336 MMD leaders from all the 13 wards and the district executive in Mpongwe, went to attend a defection meeting at Mpongwe High School.

And Namulambe says MMD leaders and members must respect legislation and not cry foul when they are found on the wrong side of the laws that they themselves created.

There was an hilarious feeling in Mpongwe with long convoys from various wards ferrying defectors whilst chanting slogans in their native Lamba language 'ba Gabby bachita iciweme, bacita icilungeme Gabriel has done a good thing, he has done the right thing'.

And addressing a huge gathering at Mpongwe High School, Namulambe said he had never experienced what he was experiencing as a politician after the MMD lost elections in 2011.

"I am very grateful to the PF local leadership here for getting a permit to hold this meeting. They did not take it for granted that because they are in the ruling party, they can't get a permit to hold a meeting.

These laws exist to be followed by all Zambians. When we were in opposition, we made these laws and we must respect these laws and if you are arrested for breaking the law, don't cry foul, you must abide by the law," he said in apparent reference to the arrest of MMD leader Nevers Mumba last week in Lufwanyama.

Namulambe said it was difficult to develop one's constituency as an opposition leader.

He said considering that Mpongwe Constituency had the majority poor people on the Copperbelt, he decided to join the PF because they had pro-poor policies.

He said he could not punish the people of Mpongwe by continuing in a party full of confusion and that would not make it back into government in 2016 under the prevailing circumstances in the opposition party.

And Namulambe said he had not caused an unnecessary by-election because all elections in the country were catered for in the national budget.

He said he understood the national budget better than the journalists at the Zambian Watchdog, an on-line publication, who had been campaigning that he was going to waste taxpayers' money.

He said he was still at pains to understand the reasons for the manner in which Mumba's supporters treated MMD national secretary Maj Richard Kachingwe.

The Mpongwe district council chairman also defected alongside five other councillors, including MMD provincial vice youth secretary Lukson Chimoto.

Immediate past Mpongwe district commissioner Rasford Bulaya said the defection of the entire MMD district executive and the ward executives signified the death of MMD in Mpongwe.

Other prominent people present were Dr Kenneth Kaunda's son Kaweche, Jazzman Chikwakwa, former MMD provincial vice-chairman Frank Ng'ambi and former Masaiti district commissioner Evans Pwele.

PF members of parliament for Wusakili Richard Musukwa, Kamfinsa's Moses Chishimba, Luanshya's Steve Chungu, Chifubu's Susan Kawandami, Kankoyo's Levy Chabala and Kabushi's Dorothy Kazonga were also present.

PF Copperbelt chairman Robert Mwewa said he had presented a petition to President Michael Sata to have Mpongwe divided into two districts.

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