
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Nevers, Kaingu's politics is barbaric - Chanda

Nevers, Kaingu's politics is barbaric - Chanda
By Moses Kuwema in Lusaka and Christopher Miti in Chipata
Tue 11 Dec. 2012, 12:00 CAT

LUAPULA Province MMD vice-chairman David Chanda says the party is at the crossroads because of the arrogance being exhibited by Nevers Mumba and Michael Kaingu.

And Angela Cifire says the MMD's squabbles may lead to the downfall of the former ruling party if not checked.
In an interview, Chanda said many MMD members were confused as they did not know which direction to take.

"We expect the leaders to come out and extend an olive branch to those members who feel they are not happy with the expulsion of Maj Richard Kachingwe instead of labeling them to be disgruntled. Just because people don't agree with you, it does not mean that they are disgruntled. They should realise that arrogance will not help them but the principles enshrined in the constitution are what will help their leadership," Chanda said.

He observed that Mumba and Kaingu were being tortured mentally because of the wrong-doings that they had committed.
Chanda accused Mumba and Kaingu of disrespecting the constitution and urged them to respect divergent views.

"The level of politics being practiced by the two leaders is barbaric. The MMD has a constitution that is supposed to be talking and not the leaders talking. When you have the individuals in an organisation talking and not the document talking then you will have confusion. That's why we have this confusion," he said.
Asked about his views on the appointment of Simbao as national secretary, Chanda said it was wrong.

"First of all morally, Simbao should have realised that there is total division and he should have said no because even a quorum was not formed when he was appointed. I have no respect for people who don't respect the constitution. The arrogance of Mumba and Kaingu won't take them anywhere, their days are numbered and they will regret at one point," said Chanda.

And commenting on the infighting that has characterised the MMD, Cifire, the former MMD Luangeni member of parliament and former information deputy minister, said the current situation was as a result of egoism.
She said the infighting in MMD came about because certain members felt they were "more equal than others".

"These people who feel they are more equal than others, they want themselves and the leadership to be the only people that have a say in MMD…At some stage, leadership is about being able to show vision to the people that are being led and also the people to be able to appreciate that. Now if you get to the point where you think that everything is about you and not the bigger picture of what the party is, then you get to these situations," Cifire said.
She said the current happenings in MMD were a split over certain people whose egos had become bloated.

Over a week ago, MMD national secretary Major Richard Kachingwe expelled party president Mumba, saying he did not qualify to hold the position because he was still leader of the Reform Party.
The same day, Mumba expelled Maj Kachingwe from the party and later appointed Kapembwa Simbao to act in his position, accusing Kachingwe of working with the ruling party to destabilise the MMD.

"As the egos grow larger, each one of them still wants to be bigger than the other person and hence the split that is being seen now. At a time when they should have gone back to the drawing board to say 'let's examine our souls and correct these situations', what is happening is just continuing with these situations. What is happening now is just about me, me and they will not be able to correct the situation until they go down and that will mean the end of MMD," warned Cifire.

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