
Tuesday, December 04, 2012

PF to adopt UPND MPs

PF to adopt UPND MPs
By Allan Mulenga in Lusaka and Misheck Wangwe in Kitwe
Tue 04 Dec. 2012, 09:00 CAT

ALL UPND members of parliament will be adopted by the PF if the party decides to expel them, says Wynter Kabimba. And Kabimba says those that want to be friends with President Michael Sata and the PF must stay away from corruption.

In an interview yesterday over UPND's charging of its Sinazongwe member of parliament Richwell Siamunene with gross misconduct for working with the PF, Kabimba, who is PF secretary general, said it was the party policy to adopt members of parliament expelled from other political parties on account of working with the PF.

"PF adopted this policy following the resignation of former Mporokoso member of parliament Maynard Musapa when he resigned as deputy sports minister in the MMD. He was automatically adopted.

Since that time, we have adopted that policy as a party that whoever takes the risk in the political parties where they are and decides to join the Patriotic Front while holding a position in Parliament, that person shall automatically be adopted as a matter of principle. We have held on to that principle starting from Musapa's case ending now recently in Stephen Masumba case," he said.

Kabimba, who is also justice minister, said the PF would work with all dedicated Zambians regardless of their political affiliation.
"Every well-meaning Zambian must have one day to render public service to the people of Zambia. To Zambia as a country not Zambia segmented into provinces; not Zambia which is segmented into regional enclaves," he said.

"My encouragement to all those… is that it is time they made up their minds to come forward and serve the people of Zambia. This country needs the service of everybody at the national level. We ourselves in the Patriotic Front have made that position clear that every Zambian of skill of dedication; of commitment will be most welcome to serve the people of Zambia through the Patriotic Front."
Kabimba said UPND's fortunes had dwindled over time.

"My piece of advice to them is that the time is now because they can clearly see and the whole country can clearly see that the chances of UPND ever growing beyond what it is today are very slim. Those that would like to serve the people of Zambia on a broader scale than the regional scale, than a provincial scale, then certainly the only vehicle they have to render that service is the Patriotic Front.

People must choose. Do you want to render service to only your tribespeople or do you want to render public service beyond the tribes tribespeople?" asked Kabimba.

The UPND has charged Siamunene with gross misconduct contrary to article 7 (b) of the party's disciplinary code of conduct.

The charge comes after allegations that he had been associating with some senior PF government officials contrary to the interests of the UPND.

In a letter dated July 18, 2012, which was made available to The Post on Wednesday, signed by UPND secretary general Winstone Chibwe and copied to UPND president Hakainde Hichilema and others, Chibwe stated that Siamunene was required to appear before the disciplinary committee to exculpate himself.

Chibwe stated that it was with deep regret that in responding to the charges, Siamunene deemed it fit to first send an emissary in the name of his wife, who abused their party president and the management of the party.

He stated that Siamunene's wife informed him and Hichilema that she had inside information that Hichilema did not want her husband to be adopted because he preferred former area member of parliament, Raphael Muyanda.

And speaking on Saturday at Mindolo Dam in Kitwe, where he officiated at the fundraising braii for the purchase of the vehicle for PF Kalulushi district, Kabimba said PF members must protect the integrity of the party by upholding the ideals and values that the president held in high esteem.

"Michael Sata is not a crook. He hates corruption and those that want to work with us, those that want to be our friends and friends of the president must walk away from corruption. The Michael Sata I know has rich values, he respects the people and he truly loves Zambia," Kabimba said.

He said the PF had more than five years in government because Zambians had not forgotten how they suffered under the corrupt MMD.

Kabimba said the people of Zambia had not forgotten how politicians in the MMD made themselves rich when the people were wallowing in poverty, adding that the PF would not entertain such politicians to serve in government.

He said what would make the PF survive longer than any other political party was discipline and respect for the leadership up to the head of state.
"How can people forget in five years and bring a pastor who ran away from administering a church and lead this country? How? You failed to run a small congregation, how can you run the affairs of more than 13 million people?

You Nevers Mumba abandoned your own political party and hijacked another and you hope to win in 2016? How can someone UPND's Hakainde Hichilema hope to win an election when he is confined to one region of Zambia? You can't. You need to win the confidence of 13 million the way Michael Sata did, for you to become president of this country," Kabimba said.
Kabimba said an organisation that had no respect for the people and its leadership could not survive.

And newly-appointed Copperbelt PF provincial chairman Robert Mwewa said the party in the province would raise its own money and intensify its operations.
"We don't want this syndrome of depending on the national secretariat or the tendency of the past regime of using government vehicles. We will sacrifice what we have to consolidate our party and we will make sure that all districts fundraise for their vehicles," Mwewa said.

Kabimba donated K10 million towards the purchase of the PF Kalulushi vehicle while Kalulushi member of parliament Rayford Mbulu donated K10 million and Richard Musukwa, who is mines deputy minister, also donated K5 million together among others.

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