
Thursday, December 06, 2012

Sata is hardworking, deserves support - KK

Sata is hardworking, deserves support - KK
By Roy Habaalu in Shiwang'andu
Thu 06 Dec. 2012, 12:20 CAT

Dr KENNETH Kaunda says President Michael Sata is a hardworking leader who deserves support. And a plane carrying President Sata's special assistant for press George Chellah including Post and Daily Mail reporters and a minister crash-landed shortly after takeoff.

Dr Kaunda, who is Zambia's first Republican president, said he appointed President Sata, Lusaka governor because of his distinguished leadership qualities.

During the commissioning of the one-mega watt Shiwang'andu mini-hydropower station here, Dr Kaunda said Zambia was yet to see the benefits of the PF government.

"Ala uyu u mulumendo nabomba icipeshamano. That's why ine I appointed him first governor for Lusaka. Nalishiba incito abomba mukali, mukali. Lesa wesu twamutotela pakutupela kateka wamusangoyu. (This man Sata is working hard. That's why I appointed him governor for Lusaka. I know how hardworking he is. He's great. God our father, we thank you for giving us this great leader," said Dr Kaunda amid ululations from the crowd.

Dr Kaunda urged Zambians to support President Sata in developing the country. Earlier, President Sata said he and Dr Kaunda wouldn't have become presidents without the support of villagers from various areas.

President Sata said the government had started fulfilling its campaign promises.

"We inherited a situation where only three per cent of our population have access to electricity and our government is working towards changing that. I am directing Zesco to replicate this by developing mini-hydropower stations on various rivers starting with Kativunga River," said President Sata.

And Shortly after take-off for the commissioning of the Chama Road in Chinsali, a Zambia Air Force plane AF 746 crash-landed, destroying a marquee prepared for the VIP.

Those on board were Chellah, this reporter, Daily Mail reporter Chimwemwe Mwale, Muchinga Province minister Charles Banda, foreign affairs deputy minister Efron Lungu and energy permanent secretary George Zulu.

Others were Muchinga Province police commissioner Remmy Kajoba, provincial Intelligence officer, Dr Kaunda's assistant Borniface Nkhoma and a three-member ZAF crew.

Proceedings at the main arena came to a halt as the crowd swarmed the accident scene.

Senior government officials and Zesco directors were seen asking Chellah if he was fine.

"Would you like a snack Mr Chellah," a minister was heard whispering.
At this point President Sata arrived and straight away asked if there were any casualties.

"What happened? Were you overloaded? Iwe minister (Banda) let's go together we've space for one," President Sata said as Dr Kaunda looked on.

After 10 minutes, another chopper was sent to airlift the team to Chinsali, where they joined the Presidential delegation and other members of the press.

By press time, the faulty aircraft was still being repaired.

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