
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sata urges opposition to seek sober forms of engagement

Sata urges opposition to seek sober forms of engagement
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Sun 23 Dec. 2012, 11:40 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata says there is a lot the government and the opposition can do together for the benefit of the country, provided there is decency, sincerity and patriotism from both ends.

And President Sata has advised the opposition to seek sober forms of engagement with the government.

He further counselled opposition political parties to cooperate with specific law enforcement agencies charged with the responsibility of maintaining law and order as opposed to creating unnecessary tension.

"As government, we have noticed a strange appetite for aggression and attempts to create panic and despondency in our people by a certain cluster of politicians within the opposition movement," President Sata said in a statement issued by his special assistant for press and public relations George Chellah.

"Our word of caution is that we are wide awake to these low-priced political manoeuvres and are ready to handle any situation which is at variance with our laws with the firmness it deserves."

He said the government would not be derailed from its responsibility of safeguarding and preserving the peace the country had enjoyed over a long period of time.

"As leaders, we should all strive to build a united, democratic and disciplined nation. This can only be achieved if we all endeavour to adhere to and respect the laws that govern us as a people," said President Sata.

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