
Monday, December 03, 2012

Veep warns non-performing ministers

Veep warns non-performing ministers
By Edwin Mbulo in Livingstone
Sun 02 Dec. 2012, 11:50 CAT

VICE-PRESIDENT Guy Scott has warned non-performing ministers and other controlling officers that they are in for a rude shock from President Sata if they think they are "safe like fish in a pond or a bird in its nest".

Speaking in Livingstone during the official opening of Zambia International Investment Forum held at the Zambezi Sun on Thursday, Vice-President Scott said the PF was voted into power on promise for change.?

"Zambia has no shortage of talent; our people need training and salaries. To all ministers and controlling officers who are in charge of getting things done, if you have become too comfortable like you are in nests or like fish in a pond, you shall be visited by President Sata's signature. If you behave like they did in the previous government, you are in for a rude shock coming," warned Vice-President Scott.

Vice-President Scott represented President Michael Sata at the forum that had participation of delegations from India, China and Korea.

In his speech, President Sata said his government was committed to facilitating trade and investment premised on acknowledgement that commerce trade and industry was an engine for economic growth strategic to raising incomes, consumption and living standards of Zambians.?"In line with the theme for this investment forum "Value addition for wealth and job creation: a win-win for all", my government shall soon start implementing the national strategy for industrialisation and job creation, targeting four growth sectors of agriculture, tourism, manufacturing and construction," President Sata said.

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