
Sunday, January 20, 2013

ACC interviews Daily Mail chief-sub editor over attempted bribing of journalists

ACC interviews Daily Mail chief-sub editor over attempted bribing of journalists
By Staff Reporters
Sun 20 Jan. 2013, 10:30 CAT

ACC officers have interviewed Zambia Daily Mail chief sub-editor Chapadongo Lungu in connection with the attempted bribing of journalists by a Lusaka-based private investigator who has since been arrested.

On Friday last week, Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) officers arrested Mathews Fube together with two journalists, Dean Mwaanga and Billy Kazoka whom he attempted to bribe so that they could publish false and malicious stories about Armcor chief executive officer Gary Wadey and ZRA issues.

Mwaanga, a former Zambia Daily Mail employee was released the same day; Kazoka last week, while Fube is still in police custody.

ACC sources told The Post that Lungu was interviewed to explain what he knew about the matter.
"He was interviewed early this week to explain anything that he knew about this matter. We expect to interview many more journalists on this matter," said the sources.

But when asked if he had been interviewed by law enforcement officers in connection with the case, Lungu responded: "Not to my knowledge. I don't know anything," he said.

Last week, ACC sources said Fube was sent by a named businessman of Indian origin to frame Wadey.
"Mr Fube was sent by this businessman to look for journalists to corruptly publish false stories concerning Mr Wadey and ZRA, which stories could have put Mr Wadey in bad light. Apparently, it is not known how much Mr Fube was paid by this same businessman," the sources said.

The sources said money and some documents were confiscated in the operation.

"Mr Fube's movements were being monitored by law enforcement agencies and he was arrested together with two journalists at Arcades as he was giving one of them a KR50.00 which he claimed was for transport. These people were arrested on Friday evening and they were immediately taken to Emmasdale police station. Mr Fube is claiming that he is a private investigator and that one of his contacts gave him a story about Mr Wadey."

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