
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Andeleki applies for Livingstone seat on PF

Andeleki applies for Livingstone seat on PF
By Kombe Chimpinde in Lusaka, Edwin Mbulo and Brina Siwale in L
Tue 15 Jan. 2013, 14:00 CAT

FORMER Registrar of Societies Clement Andeleki has applied for the vacant Livingstone seat on PF saying the area is now ready to deliver the ruling party's first win in Southern Province. By press time, Andeleki was joined by former permanent secretary Gladys Kristafor and seven others.

Confirming his application to be considered for adoption as PF parliamentary candidate for Livingstone, Andeleki said in an interview that he thought it prudent to serve the people of Livingstone where he had spent most part of his life.

"I consider that I should first render services to the people of Livingstone. That is where I was born, that is where I grew up. This is where I started my first life. I do consider that home is home whether you are being fed on milk or not and I think this is the best thing to do," he said.

"As you may know Livingstone has never had effective representation for many years and because of that, Livingstone has had a number of challenges and one of the challenges that our people here are facing is that we do not have a university, we still have a problem with the sewer system in the police camp… simple things…the bridge between Libuyu and Maramba remains a danger spot and you find that the people who have been handling Constituency Development Fund have not effectively put priority in the areas of development in Livingstone.

Land has also been a big issue because these opposition people have been giving land to people who are not eligible just because they have money. I thought it is important to go back home. That is why I had to relinquish my lucrative job and see what I can contribute here."
Asked if his decision to relinquish his position as chief Registrar of Societies would not vindicate speculation that he had been compromised by the PF and was being used to frustrate the MMD, Andeleki said he pursued the MMD just as he did with the PF and UPND.

"The issue that I was compromised by the PF and that I harassed the MMD is not true because as you are aware that arose from the time I served MMD the notice of default. I served the PF a notice requesting them to register their branches in pursuant to Statutory Instrument number 64 of 2004, I served a similar notice to UPND and you can verify this from Mr. Winstone Chibwe the secretary general of UPND but MMD opted to say 'we are going to damage your character because we don't owe the Registrar of Societies any money. They said 'we know you are being used' but if I was being used I would not have written to the PF. UPND and PF registered their branches upon receiving these notices but MMD decided not to pay and it brought that showdown so I don't think I persecuted the opposition in order to favour the PF, the ruling party," Andeleki said.

"MMD, being a big party has a duty to set an example by paying tax. The greatest challenges we have in the Republic of Zambia is corruption and tax evasion. People don't want to pay tax to the government but how can government operate. MMD is one of them. If I became a lawmaker, I would push for government to criminalise tax evasion. I know that under the PF, 20 years down the line we shall cease to be a donor dependent country."

Andeleki said he was confident the PF would scoop the Livingstone seat.

"Mark my words today, PF is going to win the by-election in Livingstone this time around and I am saying this because of the good profile that PF has set for itself. One of them is control of expenditure on the part of government. You are aware that government officers who serve in highest offices are only entitled to one vehicle as opposed to the MMD era where one person could have 10 vehicles. There is control of fuel usage…you know there has been misapplication of resources," he said.
Andeleki said he would rally behind the PF even if he were not adopted.

"One thing is that I grew up a very poor boy, I even had no shoes. I started from Zero," said Andeleki. "I don't like to be eating or getting satisfied while the rest of the people, the general population are suffering. If it means going to the street I will go to the street together with the people. I will rally behind my people. I am not going back to be chief Registrar of Societies. If they are going to adopt a person other than me I am going to campaign for that person as long as he is a candidate for PF that is what we are going to see. What we want to see here in Livingstone is development. I trust my party's adoption system and what I am saying is let the best candidate be adopted."?

Confirming receipt of applications from the nine hopefuls in an interview, PF district secretary Geoffrey Kampamba named them as Colonel Collins Mwanamwale, Captain John?Mwamulima, Liven Apuleni, Lawrence Evans, Alvin Sindowe, Gladys?Zaloumis Kristafor, Clement Andeleki, Zhondwayo Soko and Wilfred ?Mweene.

Kampamba said he was expecting two more applications.?

The Livingstone seat fell vacant following the resignation of Reverend Howard Sikwela who ditched the UPND citing that opposition party's hostility towards the PF government and threats on his life. The Livingstone by-election is scheduled for February 28th together with the Mpongwe polls.
Another aspiring candidate Evan Lawrence, a prominent Livingstone businessman, said the tourist capital needed a candidate who could foster development.

Lawrence, the proprietor of Ng'ombe Breweries, said the city had lost its glory of being one of the leading manufacturing towns in the ?country.? "We need to bring Livingstone back to the way it was 20 or 30 years ago. This city used to have a lot of manufacturing companies that we do not have anymore. Currently Livingstone only has two manufacturing companies and these are Ngo'mbe Breweries and Msanza Milling which is not enough," Lawrence said.

He said opening up more industries would reduce high levels of unemployment among the youths.?"We have so many youths who are jobless and putting up more? manufacturing companies will be able to create jobs. That is one area?that I would want to work on if I am elected as member of parliament,"?Lawrence said.?He said another area that would be vital would be making education a priority because it was the only key to national development.

Lawrence said people of Livingstone needed an MP who understood their challenges and was able to work with them. I have lived in Livingstone for a long time and I know the challenges that people face here. People should choose a local because we have seen people from Lusaka coming here and wanting to stand. We need a local MP who understands and is able to work with the people," said Lawrence. "With the UNWTO (World Tourism Organisation congress to be co-hosted by Zambia and Zimbabwe) coming we need someone who will work tirelessly and follow up the development that is going on in the city."

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