
Monday, January 07, 2013

(STICKY) (SUNDAY MAIL ZW) Cross spills MDC-T anarchy plot

COMMENT - The influence of Anglo-American De Beers on the MDC has always been clear. De Beers profited from colonialism, apartheid and now neocolonialism, and the MDC want to return them to power. Morgan Tsvangirai is a former employee of Anglo-American De Beers, where he was a miner.

Cross spills MDC-T anarchy plot
Sunday, 06 January 2013 00:00
Sunday Mail Reporter

MDC-T national policy co-ordinator Mr Eddie Cross has revealed that his party intends to expel all companies mining diamonds in Marange and to also arbitrarily crack down on wealthy Zimbabweans on spurious grounds of corruption and fraud if the party wins the 2013 harmonised elections. Reacting to the said plan last week, political analysts castigated the party for plotting anarchy.

Mr Cross, who doubles as Bul­awayo South House of Assembly member, made the controversial remarks on his official website in a festive season script titled, “My Crys­tal Ball”.

In the article, Mr Cross also hints at a plan to “overhaul the State system”.

“But what happens if the hunter gets a clean shot and takes the trophy home to hang on the wall . . . the MDC would announce a small gov­ernment — a cabinet of 20 ministers and 18 ministries,” he said.

“The president and cabinet would be sworn in and would immediately begin a complete overhaul of the State administration. Marange diamond fields would be nationalised and all existing operators expelled.”

[Nationalized, so they can enter a Joint Venture with De Beers, just like across the border in Botswana, with Debswana. Or Nilepet's JV with Glencore International PLC in South Sudan. - MrK]

Mr Cross said all Zimbabweans who have amassed wealth over the past few years would be quizzed.

“The National Prosecuting Author­ity would ask all who have amassed wealth in recent years to explain where it all came from.

“Anyone who could not explain this to their satisfaction and the satisfac­tion of Zimra would have their estate sequestrated and their assets forfeited to the State.”

Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC) chairman Mr Godwills Masimirembwa said the remarks sought to cause “alarm and despondency” among investors who have poured millions of United States dollars into operations in Marange.

“It is really sad that such statements come from someone who has a duty to craft policies for a party,” he said.

“What does that say to the investors who have invested millions of dollars for the operations in Marange? These investors have done everything above board and such statements are meant to trigger alarm and despondency.

“The MDC-T should know that these companies are operating not only within the laws of Zimbabwe but in compliance with international statutes such as the Kimberly Process.”

Mr Masimirembwa said the MDC-T had failed to realise the bene­fits Government accrues through its 50 percent stake in all mining conces­sions at the diamond fields.

“It should be understood that Marange is benefiting in a way that has never been seen since the inde­pendence of this country.

“For the first time, Government is receiving a large dividend directly from the operations in Marange to add to taxes and royalties. Govern­ment has a 50 percent stake in the three companies operating in Marange.

“For Marange Resources, the stake is 100 percent, so this is the best model for the country to benefit from its resources.”

The four companies that are min­ing diamonds in Chiadzwa are Mbada Diamonds, Anjin Investments, Dia­mond Mining Corporation and Marange Resources.

Political analyst Mr Josephat Hungwe said there were clear indica­tions that the MDC-T dreams of re-engaging companies such as De Beers if elected into power.

De Beers is reported to have looted diamonds from the area before Gov­ernment restored order.

“For all these years, there was disor­der in Marange. However, just when the dust has settled, it is nonsensical to imagine that someone wishes to alter such a dispensation.

“It shows that this is Western rheto­ric. It is a clear ploy to bring back companies such as De Beers which were responsible for looting dia­monds for many years.”

From Eddie Cross' website, shilling for Anglo-American De Beers:

The MDC would announce a small government – a Cabinet of 20 Ministers with 18 Ministries. The President and the Cabinet would be sworn in and would immediately begin a complete overhaul of the State administration. Marange diamond fields would be nationalized and all existing operators expelled. The National Prosecuting Authority would ask all who have amassed wealth in recent years to explain where it all came from.

[How about those who amassed wealth during colonialism and UDI? I guess that is just the natural order of things. - MrK]

Anyone who could not explain this to their satisfaction and the satisfaction of ZIMRA would have their estate sequestrated and their assets forfeited to the State.

A process of national healing with justice would be launched and would seek to expose the truth about all violations of human, political and economic rights that have occurred in the past.

[But not all of the past. Not from 1965 to 1980, say. - MrK]

Victims would receive compensation for the losses and injury that they had experienced.

The President would announce that “Zimbabwe was now open for business” and assure all investors, local and foreign, that their interests were secure and would not be tampered with by the State.

[Except that he just talked about forfeiture of assets by the state. I quote: "Anyone who could not explain this to their satisfaction and the satisfaction of ZIMRA would have their estate sequestrated and their assets forfeited to the State." So the state WOULD have the right to forfeit private property under the MDC? Is this just for the MDC because the MDC is 'special', or is this going to happen every time a new party gets into power? - MrK]

The stock market, which is now functioning at about a quarter of its real asset value, would begin a steep climb and within two years, local equities would be trading at real values, similar to those in South Africa. This will push the value of the stock market to over $20 billion – injecting $15 billion into the local economy (three time the present value of all deposits in the banks).

Investment in the mining sector will start first and will accelerate rapidly as confidence in the new government grows. Mineral output will rise by over 30 per cent per annum for the next decade, pushing the mining industries contribution to GDP and exports to new heights. This will be accompanied by massive private sector investment in infrastructure – roads, air travel, railways and pipelines for energy.

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