
Tuesday, January 01, 2013

(HERALD ZW) AU warns against CAR coup

AU warns against CAR coup
Tuesday, 01 January 2013 00:00

ADDIS ABABA — The African Union has warned against any attempt to seize power by force in the Central African Republic. The AU announced in a statement yesterday that Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, chairperson of the AU Commission, reiterated the total rejection of any attempt to seize power by force, or the recourse to armed rebellion to further political claims.

The AU says such an attempt poses a serious threat to peace and security in Africa, undermining the on-going democratic process and socio-economic development efforts on the continent.

The chairperson welcomed the reaffirmation by CAR president Francois Bozize to work towards a negotiated solution to the current crisis in his country.

Bozize made the commitment during a visit by AU Chairperson Thomas Yayi Boni on Sunday to Bangui, the capital of CAR.

Dhlamini-Zuma reiterated the unanimous demand by the international community for the CAR armed groups to put an immediate end to their military offensive and to commit themselves, in good faith, to a dialogue that would include all political stakeholders in the country, with the view to finding a lasting solution to the recurring instability experienced by the CAR.

She warned the CAR armed groups against any seizure of power trough illegal means, which, if it were to occur, would lead to the automatic suspension of the participation of CAR in AU activities. It would also lead to sanctions and other measures against the perpetrators of such an unconstitutional change of government and their total isolation, Dhlamini-Zuma warned.

She expressed her deep appreciation to Yayi for his sustained efforts to expedite the search for a political solution to the crisis in CAR and his unwavering commitment to peace on the continent.

She also reiterated the AU’ support to the decisions taken by the Extraordinary Summit of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) held in N'Djamena, the capital of Chad, on December 21, which provide a viable framework for a speedy way-out from the crisis. — Xinhua.

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