
Friday, January 11, 2013

Kafue MMD wants NEC dissolved

Kafue MMD wants NEC dissolved
By Kombe Chimpinde
Fri 11 Jan. 2013, 13:59 CAT

The MMD in Kafue Constituency have petitioned the party secretariat to dissolve the national executive committee (NEC) and call for fresh elections for all positions.

The constituency joins MMD provincial and district branches in some provinces that have demanded the removal of their party president Nevers Mumba and dissolution of NEC. According to the petition arrived at by a quorum comprising Kafue district and constituency officials, the MMD officials in the area have threatened to resign from the party should the party fail to call for the dissolution of NEC.

"It was resolved that Kafue Constituency, Kafue district and its four urban wards executive committees have today Tuesday January 8, 2013 unanimously resolved that all suspensions and expulsions must be immediately withdrawn," they stated.

"The NEC must immediately call for an extra ordinary convention so that all NEC positions are subjected to a new mandate by a vote."

The constituency, led by their district secretary Clifford Mbewe, also resolved that the convention be conducted in one place.

And in an interview, Mbewe said the NEC members should be re-elected as most of those who had been co-opted into the central organ had not contested elections and therefore did not have the mandate of the grassroots.

Mbewe said this would also give an opportunity to the party legal committee to scrutinise the alleged dual presidency of Mumba who they also expect to re-contest the elections.

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