
Tuesday, January 01, 2013

LCC increases its 2013 budget by 16 per cent

LCC increases its 2013 budget by 16 per cent
By Roy Habaalu
Tue 01 Jan. 2013, 14:16 CAT

LUSAKA city council has increased its 2013 budget by 69 per cent from K167.8 billion in 2012 to KR282 million (K282 billion) this year. And mayor Daniel Chisenga says whatever decisions the council makes should be in the interest of the poor.

During a council meeting to approve the 2013 budget, finance committee chairperson Christopher Shakafuswa said personal emoluments take 45 per cent of the total budget while operations and administration costs account for 15 per cent of the local authority's financial plan.
Service provision has been provided for at 40 per cent of the total budget amounting to KR113.9 million (K113.9 billion) for 2013.

Shakafuswa said the budget preparation delayed due to the harmonisation of salaries and conditions of service for local government employees.

He said the budget performance for 2012 as at August 31 was at 103 per cent and 95 per cent for revenue and expenditure, respectively.

"During this period the council received total revenue of K114.8 billion. This was made up of K76.0 billion of internally generated funds whilst the balance of K38.8 billion came from central government and co-operating partners. Included in the
K38.8 billion was the K30 billion which was used to compensate the owners of properties along the planned route of the Lusaka roads," said Shakafuswa.

Meanwhile, Chisenga said the council will expedite the issuance of title deeds to citizens.

"There is no excuse for failing to perform. Our people, the poor, have been living for years without title deeds because they can't afford. The price is too high for them. We need to find a way to empower them so that they can also get loans from financial institutions," said Chisenga.

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