
Sunday, January 06, 2013

(LUSAKATIMES) Kapeya warns fraudsters over kwacha rebasing

Kapeya warns fraudsters over kwacha rebasing
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Sun 06 Jan. 2013, 14:20 CAT

INFORMATION deputy minister Mwansa Kapeya says the government is aware that some unscrupulous people may want to take advantage of the transition to the rebased currency to cheat members of the public especially those in rural areas.

Kapeya yesterday advised members of the public not to listen to lies from unscrupulous people that the rebased kwacha was of less value than the old currency. He stated that this was misleading and punishable by law.

"Law enforcement agents are therefore urged to remain vigilant against such elements. Government wishes to assure the public that the value of the rebased kwacha vis-à-vis the old currency is the same and that members of the public should go about transacting in both currencies normally until June this year when the old currency will be phased out," he stated.

Kapeya stated that whenever in doubt, members of the public, especially in rural areas are advised to get more information on the rebased currency from district commissioners, council secretaries, banks and other public institutions.

He stated that the government was committed to transforming the country's economy for the wellbeing of all Zambians.

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