
Monday, January 14, 2013

MMD, UPND move further apart

MMD, UPND move further apart
By Edwin Mbulo
Mon 14 Jan. 2013, 16:30 CAT

MMD vice-president for political affairs Michael Kaingu says it will be shameful for the MMD to work with the UPND to win an election.

Reacting to comments by UPND secretary general Winstone Chibwe that UPND would not work with the MMD in any elections, Kaingu said it was wrong for the UPND to think that those that were perceived to be enemies of the MMD would remain permanently so.

"Chibwe is right, what he says is healthy and I agree with him. As much as they don't want us to win elections, it is only right to say that the MMD does not need the UPND to win an election. I find 2016 to be very far. There can be a lot of matrices in the political arena between now and 2016, so it is not good for us to speak in the manner that others are speaking because should we work together, it would be embarrassing. In politics there are no enemies, in politics the people you perceive to be enemies may come together. So to speak like that, it is jumping the gun," Kaingu said.

On the comments by UNIP national women secretary Beatrice Kayuni that the MMD was full of political prostitutes, Kaingu, who is also Mwandi area member of parliament, said Kayuni should not focus her energies on attacking the MMD but on profiling her own party.

"You are in Livingstone, do you think it would be right for Times of Zambia to speak on behalf of The Post? It is not right for a neighbour to speak for another. They know their strengths and capabilities to stay in politics.

I don't think they know the strategies we are working on just like we don't know what they are doing themselves; I have respect for them because they are in politics for a purpose. The fundamental dimension for the opposition is to provide checks and balances for the ruling party and not to turn their guns on us. Let them profile their parties," he said.

Kaingu said it was shameful that people wanted to use the MMD as an excuse for doing bad things.

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