
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Opposition are to blame for their challenges, says Namulambe

Opposition are to blame for their challenges, says Namulambe
By Moses Kuwema
Sun 20 Jan. 2013, 10:30 CAT

OPPOSITION political parties should have themselves to blame for the current challenges and problems being faced, says Gabriel Namulambe. In an interview, Namulambe said the opposition should not blame the ruling PF for the challenges they are facing.

"They want to use the PF as a scapegoat for their problems. The fact that the opposition have not revised their manifestos means that they have destroyed themselves. I remember when the MMD went for a retreat, one of the resolutions was to get to the manifesto and rewrite it but that has not taken effect. Worse still, party mobilisation on the ground has been a non-starter," said Namulambe who recently defected from the MMD to the ruling PF.

He said the PF on the other hand was strengthening itself because politics was about numbers.

Namulambe said the opposition had instead resorted to criticizing the government anyhow without offering alternatives.

"They should not cry foul that the ruling party is trying to weaken them. The opposition should first of all admit that they have problems and challenges which are their own making. They should not resort to the blame game and once they take note of this then they should strengthen themselves by way of offering alternative policies for the government," he said.

Namulambe said the country needed a strong opposition to provide checks and balances but that the current opposition was like a "vuvuzela".

"You know the vuvuzela when it is being blown, you cannot know whether it is supporting the losing team or the winning team. Let us not have political vuvuzelas but let us have meaningful opposition who should be able to offer alternative policies but for as long as there will not be alternative policies, they should have themselves to blame," said Namulambe.

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