
Monday, January 07, 2013

PF committee finds Lubinda guilty

PF committee finds Lubinda guilty
By Moses Kuwema
Mon 07 Jan. 2013, 14:00 CAT

The Edgar Lungu-led Patriotic Front's disciplinary committee has unanimously found Kabwata member of parliament Given Lubinda unfit to be a member of the party and recommended to have him expelled.

According to reliable sources within the committee, the evidence on Lubinda's allegations of treachery was overwhelming.

The disciplinary committee comprised PF national chairperson and gender minister Inonge Wina, Mandevu member of parliament Jean Kapata, defence deputy minister Davies Mwila, Musonda Mpankanta, deputy minister of chiefs and traditional Suzan Kawandami, Dorothy Kazunga and Chola Chama as the secretary.

The sources said the evidence against Lubinda over allegations of collaborating with opposition parties against the PF was overwhelming and, therefore, the committee resolved to recommend to the central committee to have him expelled.

The central committee, which is scheduled to meet on January 26, will look at the recommendations from the Lungu-chaired disciplinary committee.

The committee also resolved to have former Lusaka Province PF chairman Davies Chama suspended for for six months and not to have him reinstated as chairman on his return.

And the committee further resolved not to have the leaders from Eastern Province reinstated as well.

Among those that were suspended from Eastern Province are Lucas Phiri (provincial chairman), Joseph Mutale (provincial secretary), Andrew Lubusha (provincial youth chairman), Joseph Kolosa (provincial vice-secretary), William Phiri (constituency secretary) and Daniel Phiri (constituency treasurer).

Lubinda, when contacted for a reaction, said he had not "heard that".
He said he would wait for the party to communicate to him about the decision.

"After receiving communication, that's when I will comment," said Lubinda.

Recently, Lubinda said he would defend his parliamentary seat if the PF decided to expel him.

On the other hand, Lungu, when contacted to confirm the recommendation, responded: "I can neither confirm nor deny the contents of resolutions for this is for consideration by the central committee which will make a decision, the decision of the party in the matters we have been looking at. What I can confirm is that in all cases we received evidence, some were proved; some were not. We made a decision based on the facts and this will be taken to the central committee."

He said his committee would in the course of this week prepare a report that would be submitted to the party's central committee, which had the final mandate to make decisions.

Lubinda had assured his supporters that he would retain his seat because the large majority felt he had represented them well.
Lubinda said those calling for his resignation were sponsored by his enemies that were jealous of his achievements.

"Don't worry; all these things happening will come to an end. Just wait and see. Most of these people insulting me are just paid by people with agendas and they feel uncomfortable with me around because some want to be presidents and think with me around, it won't be possible," said Lubinda.

Lubinda told his supporters that some people in the central committee had teamed up against him but said he was comforted by the fact that the grassroots would give him overwhelming support and was sure to retain his seat.

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