
Monday, January 14, 2013

Police detain Muteteka

Police detain Muteteka
By Mwala Kalaluka
Sun 13 Jan. 2013, 13:00 CAT

CHISAMBA MMD member of parliament Moses Muteteka was yesterday detained at Lusaka's Woodlands Police Station after he was arrested over corrupt practices involving hammer mills, bicycles and solar panels from Gender In Development.

Muteteka was by press time still detained at the police station and sources said he would only be released on bond upon providing two working sureties who include a senior government employee and another senior official from the private sector.?Anti-Corruption Commission ACC public relations manager Timothy Moono stated in a press release that Muteteka was arrested and charged with eight counts of abuse of authority office and one count of theft contrary to the Laws of Zambia.?

It is alleged in the first count that Muteteka between January 1 and December 31, 2011 in Chibombo, as a member of parliament for Chisamba Constituency as well as deputy minister of local government and housing, jointly and whilst?acting together with other persons unknown, abused the authority of his office by giving a hammer mill he obtained from Gender in Development Division (GIDD), meant for the Chisamba Constituency, to his sister, Rosemary Mulongwe, an act which was arbitrary and prejudicial to the interests of the government.

In count two, Muteteka is in 2010 alleged to have given another hammer mill he obtained from GIDD, meant for?Chisamba Constituency, to his sister, Elidah Mulongwe.?He is in count three alleged to have given a hammer mill belonging to Chibombo District Council, to his grandfather, Daniel Lyatumba of Kapiri Mposhi district in 2011.?It is alleged in the fourth count that Muteteka in 2011 in Chibombo gave another a hammer mill belonging to Chibombo District Council, to his nephew, Isaac Paso of Kangalangala village in Kanakantapa area of Chibombo District.

?It is further alleged in count five that Muteteka in 2011 again gave a hammer mill belonging to Chibombo District Council to Terry Milambo of Chitanta village in Chikonkomene area.?In count six, Muteteka allegedly gave a hammer mill belonging to Chibombo District Council, to his sister-in-law Fallace Chito of Kangombe village in Keembe Constituency.

?In count seven, Muteteka allegedly abused the authority of his office by procuring 26 bicycles, two (2) solar panels, one (1) solar inserter, one (1) solar regulator and one (1) solar battery from SARO Agro industrial limited using Constituency Development Funds without following the laid down guidelines.?He is in count eight alleged to have abused the authority of his office by directing the Chibombo District Council to purchase six (6) hammer mills from SARO Agro Industrial limited the highest bidder without following the laid down tender procedures.?

All these acts were arbitrary and prejudicial to the interests of the government of the Republic of Zambia.?

He is in the last count charged with the theft of one hammer mill?bearing engine number |d2.1006.07 1100037 and mill number 8146, the property of the Chibombo District Council.?Muteteka has denied the charges and will appear in court soon.

Police last year arrested Muteteka and charged him for the offence of theft of motor vehicle.?He was alleged to have fraudulently and without reasonable excuse or lawful authority, converted a Mitsubishi Canter registration number ABX 3529 valued at K75 million into personal property, pretending that he had bought it when in fact not. The vehicle belongs to Chibombo district council.

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