
Sunday, February 17, 2013

ACC arrests HH's lawyer

ACC arrests HH's lawyer
By Ernest Chanda
Sun 17 Feb. 2013, 11:30 CAT

THE Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has arrested one of UPND leader Hakinde Hichilema's lawyers, Keith Mweemba, for corruption.

ACC acting public relations manager Queen Chibwe confirmed yesterday that Mweemba, 34, was arrested yesterday and charged with one count of corrupt practices with public officer contrary to the law.

Chibwe stated that Mweemba on dates unknown but between January 2 and February 14, 2013 corruptly offered or promised to offer a token of appreciation as consideration or gratification to Assistant senior state advocate Monica Mwansa in order for her to act favourably in the manner she would handle an appeal case in which Mweemba was representing the appellants in the case of Jorge Galvara Padilla and Jackeline Marrn Paedraza Vs the People.

She stated that Mweemba would appear in court soon.
Padilla and Paedraza are Bolivian nationals who were arrested and convicted for trafficking and importing cocaine weighing 13.2 kilogrammes and were sentenced to five years imprisonment.

This is in a case in which Jorge Galvarro Padilla, 31, a bricklayer, and Morron Pedraza Jackeline, 21, a student, were charged with illegal importation and trafficking of cocaine which they shared and swallowed.

Mweemba is also one of the defence lawyers in a case where Hichilema is charged with publication of false news with intent to cause fear and alarm to the public over his statement that the PF had entered into an agreement with the Sudanese government to train militias in that country.

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