
Monday, February 04, 2013

Lusaka Province constitution convention wants 50% + 1

Lusaka Province constitution convention wants 50% + 1
By Kabanda Chulu
Sun 03 Feb. 2013, 14:00 CAT

DELEGATES to the Lusaka Province constitution convention have resolved to retain Article 82 of the draft document which states that the date for general elections shall be held every five years on the last Thursday of September.

The delegates also resolved to retain Article 101 as contained in the draft constitution that the constitutional court shall hear and determine an election petition relating to the president-elect, within 60 days of the filing of the petition.

During debates after presentation of group work reports, the delegates also agreed that the winning candidate for the presidency must receive not less than 50 per cent plus one vote.

The delegates further resolved to retain article 107 as contained in the draft constitution that the vice-president shall be elected as a running mate to a presidential candidate.

The convention also agreed with Article 100 of the draft constitution that the president-elect should not be immediately sworn into office after elections.
"The president-elect shall be sworn into office on the fifteenth day after the date of the declaration of election results, in order to ensure smooth transition," they stated.

The delegates also agreed with the draft constitution that the Republican vice-president-elect shall assume the office of the president if the President-elect fails to assume office for one reason or circumstances beyond his control.

"The vice-president-elect who assumes office as President as a result of this consequence shall appoint any person as vice-president, subject to the approval of the National Assembly signified by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the MPs," it stated.

"But where the vice-president elect, who is supposed to assume office of president dies before assuming office, the Speaker shall assume the office of president and a presidential election shall be held within ninety days of the vacancy occurring."

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