
Thursday, February 28, 2013

(NEWZIMBABWE) MDC-T appeals for SADC intervention

MDC-T appeals for SADC intervention
26/02/2013 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

THE MDC-T has urged the regional SADC grouping to intervene and help expedite the implementation of "outstanding" reforms ahead of new elections this year, accusing Zanu PF deliberately stalling the process.

Speaking to journalists in Harare on Tuesday, MDC-T Secretary General and Finance Minister, Tendai Biti, said Zanu PF was deliberately blocking implementation of agreed media and electoral reforms.

“The question is, is there political will? Does Zanu PF want to do this? And this is why we are calling on SADC, as the guarantors of this agreement, to say that your baby is now suffering from Kwashiorkor it is not growing, there is no movement so come and do something,” said Biti.

“All the things that need to be implemented will not require a day if there is political will. You don’t need more than 30 minutes to appoint a new board for the Mass Media Commission, you don’t need that. And you don’t need more than a week, as we have become experts in fast-tracking things, to have all these issues solved.”

SADC facilitated negotiations for the formation of the coalition government between President Robert Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai after violent elections in 2008.

The regional grouping, represented by South Africa President Jacob Zuma, has also helped the parties negotiate reforms ahead of new fresh elections, a process that led to the writing of a new constitution which will be put to a national referendum on March 16.

But the MDC-T claims Zanu PF has dragged its feet over a raft of other key reforms although Biti insisted his party would still contest the fresh elections which Tsvangirai said could be held in July.

“So we are going to go to the elections and we are not going to allow Zanu PF to go back to its natural way of (doing) things; they are not gods,” he said.

“We want this election so there is real democracy and real transformation. The people of Zimbabwe are tired of this coalition government.

“The MDC-T will be on the ballot paper come election time and we will not allow Zanu PF to use its dirty tactic. Zanu PF is not immune to international law, even to the domestic laws; they don’t exist in an isolated world.”

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