
Friday, February 15, 2013

People want Lubinda expelled - Silubanje

People want Lubinda expelled - Silubanje
By Roy Habaalu
Fri 15 Feb. 2013, 15:20 CAT

PEOPLE of Kabwata won't accept anything other than an expulsion of Given Lubinda from the party, says constituency chairman David Silubanje.

And foreign affairs permanent secretary Margaret Miyoba says Lubinda has not reported back in office. Meanwhile Lusaka district commissioner Ashwell Kampengele says Lubinda was a danger to the PF.

Silubanje yesterday said Lubinda, who is facing disciplinary charges for collaborating with opposition members of parliament to frustrate government policies, had not visited his constituency as directed by President Michael Sata.

"People don't want him. All they want is nothing but an expulsion. They feel neglected because they have no representative and someone to speak for them anymore. He's stubborn to an extent that he defies a presidential directive. This is what is annoying people. We are aware that he's positioning himself for a by-election and that would mark the end of his political career," said Silubanje.

President Sata directed members of parliament to visit their constituencies and explain to the people the currency rebasing.
Lubinda could not be reached for a comment as his mobile phone was unreachable.
And asked if Lubinda had reported back for work after his leave ended last month, Miyoba said "No he's not yet back in office."

And Kampengele said Lubinda's failure to visit his constituency was a non-issue because he was not a party representative.
He wondered why Lubinda, who had failed to implement projects and assist his constituents, had suddenly been distributing bicycles.

"What has changed? He never assisted any councillor or the ward development committee but today he's distributing bicycles in the constituency. What's the motive? Is he campaigning? Who has bought those bicycles? If he says it's the council the mayor is not aware, if he says it's the party we are not aware so in what capacity is he giving out those bicycles?" asked Kampengele.

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