
Tuesday, February 05, 2013

PF govt in right direction - Anttinen

PF govt in right direction - Anttinen
By Fridah Nkonde
Tue 05 Feb. 2013, 15:40 CAT

FINNISH Ambassador to Zambia Pertti Anttinen has expressed confidence that the government will deliver development to the poorest in society. In an interview, Ambassador Anttinen said it was evident that the government is trying its best to ensure that the needs of ordinary people are addressed. He said the issue of inequality needed to be addressed by the government at all costs.

"Issues of inequality is the biggest the Zambian government needs to address. The issue of ensuring that resources trickle down to everyone in society is very tricky. I think the issue of rural and urban areas in Zambia has somehow contributed to the issue of resources failing to get to everybody in society. Poverty is mostly prevailing in the rural areas of Zambia," Ambassador Anttinen said.

He said the PF and its government were in the right direction in as far as ensuring that resources trickle down to everyone in society was concerned.

"They are in the right direction. If we look at the current budget, the amount of money spent on social services and education, we can all see that there has been an increase. These are the things that should be addressed," Ambassador Anttinen said.

He said he was confident that things will change in Zambia, adding that the government was doing everything possible to address many challenges.

Ambassador Anttinen said there was also need to ensure that most people in the country were skilled to prevent a situation where many of them find it very difficult to get formal employment.

"People who are skilled are more likely to be employed, as compared to those that are not. Creation of jobs can also help the economy to grow. Government should also make agriculture more efficient so as to benefit those in rural areas," said Ambassador Anttinen.

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