
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

PF leaders are not after enriching themselves - Scott

PF leaders are not after enriching themselves - Scott
By Edwin Mbulo in Livingstone
Mon 18 Feb. 2013, 15:30 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata and all leaders in PF do not want to enrich themselves to an extent of owning houses in foreign countries such as South Africa, says Vice-President Dr Guy Scott.

And local government minister Emerine Kabanshi says the government will engage street vendors in Livingstone and Lusaka so that they keep the towns clean just like Chongwe street vendors have done by moving off the streets.

Speaking on Falls FM during a special programme dubbed Check Point, Vice-President Scott said PF leaders did not have an inferiority complex of wanting to own many houses and cars in order "to feel like men".

"I don't like it (corruption), the President doesn't like it. We don't have any wanting for houses in South Africa, houses in Zimbabwe, go cattle ranching in Southern Province, cattle ranches in Central Province. We are not greedy people, we are not materialistic people and the people we have brought into the PF are similar," he said.

And answering a question from a caller identified as Mubita Mwansa on corruption within the PF allegedly targeted at party secretary general and justice minister Wynter Kabimba and defence minister Geoffrey Mwamba, Vice-President Scott said Lusaka was the world capital of allegations.

"People make a lot of allegations… I'm intolerant to corruption myself; if I believed there was anything going on in the PF, I would make a lot of noise as Vice-President. We spent ten and half years in the wilderness; we spent our own money when we had it and when we did not have any money we spent no money," he said. "… The issues of corruption in the PF are not worrying me at all.

I would like to see them being dealt with officially but I don't believe something will come out very strongly. They are mere allegations. Livingstone is the world capital of tourism while Lusaka is the world capital of allegations," said Vice-President Scott.
And PF national chairperson Inonge Wina said the government believed in equity and wanted to see women develop.

"We want to see women get involved during the UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organisation) general assembly and we want progress that will help the poor and women develop," said Wina.
And Kabanshi said the Livingstone City Council would be given an additional truck for garbage collection and would engage vendors in Livingstone and Lusaka in an effort to rid the two cities of dirt.

"We are giving them 10 skip bins and 250 wheel bins and I can just promise the people of Zambia that this government is a working government. We will make sure that we clean up Lusaka and Livingstone and we are engaging the street vendors. We engaged the street vendors in Chongwe and they moved off the streets and are now selling in markets and for that I will give them a modern market," promised Kabanshi.

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