
Thursday, February 07, 2013

(SUNDAY MAIL ZW) MDC-T inciting violence: Madhuku

MDC-T inciting violence: Madhuku
Tuesday, 05 February 2013 14:52
Tinashe Farawo

National Constitutional Assembly (NCA) leader Professor Lovemore Madhuku has accused the MDC-T leadership of fanning violence ahead of the 2013 harmonised elections by using hate language against the party’s political opponents.

Prof Madhuku told The Sunday Mail soon after a Press conference in Harare today (Tuesday) that top party officials “usually take turns” to intimidate anyone who opposes their views.

He said such intolerance was retrogressive, citing slogans targeting particular individuals as constituting hate speech.

He fingered MDC-T secretary-general Mr Tendai Biti and his deputy, Mr Tapiwa Mashakada, among the culprits. Both Mr Biti and Mr Mashakada could not be reached for comment.

“We have heard very disappointing statements from their top leadership. They want us to believe that everyone who is against them is not standing for the country. The language is abusive.

“When we attended the funeral of Professor John Makumbe in Buhera, senior party leaders like Mashakada and Biti took turns to portray any Zimbabwean who does not subscribe to their thinking as unpatriotic.

“They used different words to describe all those who are against them. We do not expect such language. I was shocked by the level of intolerance. That kind of language is irresponsible considering that we are approaching elections.

“I think they are doing a disservice to the country. They are not representing the interests of the people. They have not done anything since they joined the inclusive Government; they have not even created employment.”

Addressing the Press conference, Prof Madhuku said the NCA was against the Draft Constitution compiled by the Constitution Select Committee, arguing that its crafting was not people-driven.

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