
Saturday, February 02, 2013

(TIMES ZM) Free secondary education coming, says Veep

Free secondary education coming, says Veep
February 2, 2013

GOVERNMENT will soon extend the free education initiative to secondary schools in line with the Patriotic Front (PF) manifesto, Vice-President Guy Scott has said.

Dr Scott said Government was determined to provide free secondary school education as was the case at primary level.

Speaking when he addressed a rally in Mpongwe, the Vice-President said it would be pointless if the citizens offered free primary school education failed to access secondary school education because of high fees.

“We are working towards giving free education even in secondary schools. Secondary education should be free so that all citizens, regardless of their social standing in society, can access free but quality education,” he said.

He was encouraged by the loud cheer his announcement of the provision of free education received, saying previously, people would only laud reduction of mealie-meal prices.

Dr Scott reiterated Government’s commitment towards the tarring of the bumpy Mpongwe-Machiya road which had been an ‘eye-sore’ for some time now.

The Mpongwe-Machiya road also came up when he paid a courtesy call on Chieftainess Lesa and Chief Ndubeni earlier in the day.

When the Vice-President called on Chief Ndubeni, the traditional leader complained about late delivery of farming inputs.

Chief Ndubeni said the tarring of the Mpongwe-Machiya road would ease the transportation of farm produce which was currently a nightmare.

Dr Scott also said the Government was working towards improving the distribution of farming inputs.

Chieftainess Lesa said the Government should do better in the distribution of fertiliser in the next farming season.

She complained that most of the roads in her chiefdom were in a deplorable state.

The Vice-President responded that Government would work with traditional leaders in resolving problems that affected citizens, especially in the agriculture sector around the country.

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