
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Vote NAREP for development, Chipimo tells Mpongwe

Vote NAREP for development, Chipimo tells Mpongwe
By Abigail Chaponda and Misheck Wangwe in Mpongwe
Tue 26 Feb. 2013, 14:00 CAT

NAREP president Elias Chipimo Jr says Mpongwe residents will have a feel of real development if they vote for his party's candidate Reagan Ndhlovu next week.

And MMD's candidate Miniver Mutesa said she was the only one who had a practical formula for Mpongwe's development among all the candidates.

Meanwhile a member of the Malembeka Royal Establishment Hyback Mwanza says Mpongwe residents are willing to give PF candidate Gabriel Namulambe a second chance.

In an interview, Chipimo said the people must begin to galvanise their thinking towards the need for change.

He said it was pleasing that Ndhlovu had stimulated the desire for change in the minds of many people of Mpongwe district and victory was certain for him.

"Mpongwe is a serious farming community and contributes significantly to the country's food security.

They don't have a mine here so farming is a way of life. As NAREP, we will change things here if we are given chance through our candidate. The Fertiliser Support Programme (FISP) will be strengthened, the poor farmers must be empowered; that's what Mpongwe needs," Chipimo said.

He said without the necessary infrastructure such as decent roads, access to clinics and schools, it would be difficult for people to make progress and his party was determined to turn things around.

"The people here are saying for the last 12 years, they have had an MP, Gabriel Namulambe, who has served in various portfolios. Had he utilised the opportunity while he was there, he could have represented the people of this constituency much better; but the impact in terms of access to quality health care, infrastructure in terms of education is not there," Chipimo said.

He said Mpongwe residents could push for real development on their own if they were given an opportunity through empowerment.

Chipimo said given the situation on the ground, NAREP had no doubt that it would win the election as its candidate was very popular and respected among the people.

He said all the parties participating in the Mpongwe by-election must desist from all forms of violence and allow the democratic electoral process to take its course.

Chipimo said reports of violence in some areas during campaigns were extremely unacceptable as the people of Mpongwe were generally peaceful and must not be intimidated but allowed to vote peacefully.

Mutesa said she was encouraged that in all areas she had visited, the people regarded her as their own and promised to give her the vote.
And in an interview in Mpongwe on Sunday, Mwanza said residents were hopeful that Namulambe was going to perform his duties under the PF government because it (PF) was a disciplined government.

"President Michael Sata is a man of his word, he is a good leader. Even if he is the President, he has humbled himself and begged us Mpongwe residents to give Namulambe a second chance. Who are we to say no? We will do what he has asked us, we will vote for Namulambe on condition that he performs. But if he continues with his bad behaviour from MMD, then we will teach him a lesson he will never forget in his life," he said

Mwanza who is also chieftainess Malembeka's brother said Namulambe should also unite all chiefs in Mpongwe. He said Mpongwe was underdeveloped and that Namulambe had a long schedule to develop the district. Mwanza said Mpongwe residents were confident that Namulambe would win Thursday's by-elections.

"He should be grateful to President Sata. Our thinking about Namulambe has changed because President Sata asked us to forgive him. What we expect from Namulambe is respect, humility and hard work. He should represent us well in Parliament. We have assured him of our vote and in return he should bring development to this district," he said.

President Sata was in Mpongwe on Sunday to drum up support for Namulambe. Also contesting the Mpongwe seat slated for February 28 are Rapson Chilufya on UPND and Kenny Kuveya of UNIP.

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