
Monday, March 25, 2013

(DAILY MAIL ZM) Anglo American team explores for oil

COMMENT - De Beers was founded in 1887 by NM Rothschild & Sons, which was also funding Cecil John Rhodes at the time. They also funded Standard Chartered Bank (STANCHART). Anglo-American Corporation was founded by J.P. Morgan and sir Ernest Oppenheimer, whose family remained the face of De Beers throughout the 20th century. Anglo-American De Beers is jointly owned through swapped shares - at one point the ratio was that 33% of Anglo shares were owned by De Beers, and 33% of De Beers shares were owned by Anglo.

For Zambia's mining industry to be foreign owned is a direct assault on national sovereignty.

(DAILY MAIL ZM) Anglo American team explores for oil
Posted by online editor on Mar 25th, 2013
Anglo America partnersBy CYNTHIA MWALE in Chavuma

A TEAM from Anglo-American Plc has this month explored for oil and minerals in North-Western province following the expression of interest to invest in the area.

The London-based mining giant is also interested to set up a mine in Chavuma’s Kahongo area after Government granted a large-scale prospecting mining licence.

Both Zambezi district commissioner Catherine Mukuma and Chavuma district commissioner Chipawa Chipawa confirmed in separate interviews in Chavuma that the team was in the province on March 14, 2013.

Ms Mukuma said the investors have shown interest in exploring oil in Zambezi, which shares borders with oil-rich Angola.

She said the company has also indicated the presence of copper in the area.

“We had some investors that came and approached our office from Anglo-American. They have also given us interest to deal in Zambezi [in] exploring oil and copper exploration that is in Nyakulenga and west bank in Chief Impidi,” she said.

Meanwhile, Mr Chipawa said the investors confirmed the abundance of copper deposits in the area and are expected back in the country next month.

The investors have been given the licences to explore copper, platinum, gold, cobalt, zinc and lead.

“Just recently, we received people [investors] that came to do mineral explorations, Anglo-America Corporation, they were in the district.

They are coming back in April. There is a place where they have identified that their are minerals such as platinum, gold and cobalt, zinc and lead.

So they are very much interested in opening up a mine in this district [Chavuma] and that is Kalongo area as you go to Zambezi. So we will rely so much on that because they had shown much interest in coming here especially that the road network is conducive,” he said.

Mr Chipawa said the investors have taken samples for testing, adding that, “They [investors] want to come and ground in April. They have got the licence for exploration and what is remaining is to come and start the works.”

Two months ago, Government issue a prospecting large-scale mining licence to Anglo-American Plc to carry out exploration works in the province.

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