
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dora should not waste time defending herself - Ng'oma

Dora should not waste time defending herself - Ng'oma
By Allan Mulenga
Tue 26 Mar. 2013, 14:01 CAT

DORA Siliya should stop wasting money and time defending herself for raising a middle finger in Parliament, says Dr Alex Ng'oma.

Commenting Siliya's defence that she gestured in an insulting manner in Parliament because she was provoked by Bwacha PF member of Parliament Sydney Mushanga, Dr Ng'oma, who is University of Zambia political science lecturer, urged Siliya to be accountable for her action.

"Dora Siliya should be accountable for what she did. She is in Parliament not to pursue personal agendas or behave in a way she likes, but to represent the masses back there in Petauke district who cannot represent themselves in Parliament," he said. "She cannot go to Parliament to insult other people with the middle finger. We expected her to understand that Parliament is our honourable place where you are expected to behave in a respectable manner."

Dr Ng'oma said as an adult, Siliya should learn to control her emotions even under provocation.

"Adults should display maturity even when they are provoked. They must control their emotions and follow the laid down procedures of lodging complaints in Parliament. So, on that score Dora Siliya has failed. I can give her a D+," he said.

Dr Ng'oma said Siliya who is also MMD spokesperson should exercise humility and seek forgiveness.

"It does not help to be arrogant and defensive by hiring other people to speak on her behalf just because she has money," said Dr Ng'oma.
Siliya's gesture has received widespread condemnation from different sectors, including the Church, with some youth organisations threatening to block her from entering Parliament during the next session should the Speaker not expel her from the House.

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