
Tuesday, March 05, 2013

FODEP urges Namulambe to fulfil pledges

FODEP urges Namulambe to fulfil pledges
By Fridah Nkonde
Tue 05 Mar. 2013, 14:10 CAT

FODEP president Dr Alex Ng'oma says all leaders must be people of their word. Commenting on newly-elected Mpongwe member of parliament Gabriel Namulambe's pledge to deliver development to the people, Dr Ng'oma said there was need for leaders to fulfil their campaign promises.

"When leaders promise, they must deliver. They should not abuse the trust of the people that vote for them because those people depend on them to make a difference in their lives," he said.

Dr Ng'oma said there was need for Namulambe to go back to Mpongwe to say "thank you" to all the people that voted for him.

"…People voted for him because they trusted his word," he said.
Dr Ng'oma, who is also a political science lecturer, said there was also need for Namulambe to bear in mind that people voted for him because they were convinced that his promises were made in good faith.

"It is not only Namulambe who is supposed to go back to Mpongwe and say thank you. All the leaders are supposed to do the same. They are not supposed to desert their constituencies.

We are talking about Namulambe today because he is the one who is just from winning an election. He should spend his time trying to fulfil the promises he made during campaigns and he should ask the people of Mpongwe to support him. If he does this, even if he was to encounter some challenges, he would have the courage to go back to his people and look at how best he could do things in future," he said.

Dr Ng'oma said it was evident there were some leaders who deserted their constituencies once they were voted into power, and that there was need for such people to know that people had the power to throw them out of office during an election.

He said Zambians were expecting Namulambe to help President Michael Sata in fighting corruption, adding that there was need for him not to engage in any corrupt activities.

Dr Ng'oma said there was also need for Namulambe to join hands with those that he defeated in the Mpongwe by-election for him to develop the area.

Namulambe, who defected from the MMD to the PF, reclaimed the Mpongwe parliamentary seat in last Thursday's by-election and has promised to work hard to develop the constituency.

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