
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Fr Chilinda criticises MPs for removing Rupiah's immunity

Fr Chilinda criticises MPs for removing Rupiah's immunity
By Henry Sinyangwe
Tue 19 Mar. 2013, 09:20 CAT

ST Ignatius Catholic Church priest Fr Charles Chilinda yesterday criticised members of parliament who voted for the removal of former president Rupiah Banda's immunity, saying they do not have clean hands.

Delivering homily during mass yesterday whose theme centered on a woman who was taken to Jesus after being found committing adultery, Fr Chilinda said he wished those who overwhelmingly supported the removal of Banda's immunity "were clean".

He likened the story of the adulterous woman in the Bible to what happened during the removal of Banda's immunity.

Justice minister Wynter Kabimba on Friday moved a motion in Parliament to remove Banda's immunity based on allegations of money laundering, corruption and abuse of office.

"All those who removed his immunity, I wished they had clean hands. If none of them had sinned in their lives, I would have shaken hands with them, but not now because some of them are not clean, especially the mover of the motion. He cannot talk about the oil deal of Banda because he is also accused of taking a bribe," Fr Chilinda said.

He said he was aware that a certain editor of a newspaper would attack him because of the position he has taken on the removal of Banda's immunity.

"As I am saying this, there is a certain editor of some newspaper who is going to attack me and I hope you parishioners will come and join me when I am being persecuted for the homily I have given on the immunity," Fr Chilinda said.

He repeatedly emphasised that his decision to speak against the removal of Banda's immunity was based on understanding that "none of the members of parliament who voted for the motion had not sinned".

Fr Chilinda said he wondered what type of presidents Zambia will have if each one will have their immunity lifted in the manner that of Banda was removed.

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