
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

L/stone cures 87% of TB patients - Dr Hara

L/stone cures 87% of TB patients - Dr Hara
By Brina Siwale in Livingstone
Tue 26 Mar. 2013, 14:00 CAT

LIVINGSTONE cures at least 87 per cent of tuberculosis patients once they are put on treatment, says district medical officer Dr Cliff Hara.
Speaking during the commemoration of World TB Day which fell yesterday, Dr Hara said the achievement was a great success for the Livingstone management team.

"The 87 per cent cure rate for Tuberculosis (TB) means that out of every 100 sputum positive patients put on treatment, 87 are successfully cured. This has been achieved not only by the medical team but also the patients themselves and their relatives," he said.

Dr Hara, however, expressed sadness that some TB patients were not helping in the fight against the disease by refusing to take their medication and not adhering to instructions given by the doctors.

"Others continue drinking alcohol even when they are still on treatment. Some community members encourage TB patients to stop their treatment and instead seek help from traditional healers," said Dr Hara.

And Livingstone district commissioner Omar Munsanje commended the district management team for achieving the 87 per cent TB cure rate.
He said there was need for a continuous dissemination of information on the disease to the community.

"As a district we are not spared. This calls for community involvement in the control of the disease. And as a patient, if you are placed on TB treatment please remain committed to finishing the treatment and go for voluntary counseling and testing," said Munsanje.

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