
Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Mukanga warns absentee MPs

Mukanga warns absentee MPs
By Moses Kuwema
Wed 06 Mar. 2013, 14:00 CAT

PARLIAMENTARY Chief Whip, Yamfwa Mukanga has warned members of parliament against staying away from proceedings in the House, saying doing so was an act of dishonesty.

According to a letter dated February 27, 2013 and addressed to all members of parliament, Mukanga reminded them that it was not only unparliamentary to stay away from Parliament, but also an offence. He regretted that many members of parliament stay away from the House without permission.

"There has also been noted, a growing trend of honourable members of parliament coming to the House briefly, registering their presence and thereafter disappearing for the rest of the day, thereby missing out substantially from proceedings of the day. This is not only unbecoming, but smacks of dishonesty and is, therefore, unexpected of a member of parliament," read the letter.

Mukanga said equally, time-keeping during breaks had become a challenge for some members of parliament.

"This serves to inform you that henceforth, you are all reminded of the fact that you are all duty-bound to attend sittings of the House punctually and be present throughout," Mukanga stated.

But some members of parliament talked to observed that it was difficult for them to be in the House the whole time because of the parliamentary by-elections that were taking place in different places.

"Most of the members of parliament have been travelling to constituencies where by-elections are taking place. Some had gone to Mpongwe and Livingstone and now we have Lukulu and Kapiri Mposhi. For as long as these by-elections continue, it will be difficult for members of parliament to be in the House throughout," said the members of parliament who sought anonymity.

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