
Monday, March 18, 2013

(NEWZIMBABWE, BBC) 28pc of SA schoolgirls HIV+: Minister

COMMENT - I'm sick and tired of fact checking and disproving these jerks. The 28% number is based on the long ago debunked Ante-Natal Clinic Surveys (ANCs) of pregnant women only.

The 2011 Antenatal Sentinel HIV & Syphilis Prevalence Survey in South Africa

The DHS surveys consistently show much lower national infection rates, even though they too don't do the Western Blot confirmation test, which would reduce national infection rates down to (well) below 5%.

See this 2006 article in the Washington Post:

(WASHINGTON POST) How AIDS in Africa Was Overstated
Reliance on Data From Urban Prenatal Clinics Skewed Early Projections
By Craig Timberg
Washington Post Foreign Service
Thursday, April 6, 2006; Page A01

Also, the 260,000 South Africans died of AIDS last year is completely based on conjecture about how many people should be dying given the presumptions about HIV infection, and presumptions about life expectancy, etc.

These 260,000 HIV deaths consistently do not show in the Death Notification Forms Survey, which consistently shows only 2.0 to 2.6% of deaths attributed to HIV/AIDS deaths. Also, the population decline that goes with 260,000 out of 600,000 death attributed to HIV/AIDS does not occur - South Africa's population has climbed to 52 million this year.

28pc of SA schoolgirls HIV+: Minister
14/03/2013 00:00:00
by BBC

AT LEAST 28% of South African schoolgirls are HIV positive compared with 4% of boys because "sugar daddies" are exploiting them, Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has said.

Matsoaledi said 94,000 schoolgirls also fell pregnant in 2011, and 77,000 had abortions at state facilities. About 10% of South Africans are living with HIV, official statistics show. Motsoaledi has been widely praised for his efforts to curb the disease.

South Africa has run the world's largest anti-retroviral (ARV) programme since President Jacob Zuma appointed him health minister in 2009.

The number of HIV-positive people receiving life-saving ARV drugs more than doubled from 678,500 to 1.5 million after he took office, according to official statistics.

The government of former President Thabo Mbeki, who questioned the link between HIV and Aids, had argued it could not afford to roll out this treatment to all the South Africans who needed it.
Destroying children

Speaking at a public meeting in the town of Carolina in South Africa's Mpumalanga province, Motsoaledi said the large number of young girls who were HIV-positive "destroyed my soul".

"It is clear that it is not young boys who are sleeping with these girls. It is old men," a local daily quoted him saying.

"We must take a stand against sugar daddies because they are destroying our children."

Motsoaledi said some pregnant girls - aged between 10 and 14 years of age - also tested positive for HIV.

"[About] 77,000 girls had abortions at public facilities. We can no longer live like that. We want to put an end to it," he said.

More than five million people in South Africa are HIV-positive - about 10% of the total population.

Last year more than 260,000 people with Aids died - almost half the figure of all those who died in the country.

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