
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

(NEWZIMBABWE) Tsvangirai on ‘Yes’ vote landslide

Tsvangirai on ‘Yes’ vote landslide
19/03/2013 00:00:00
by Morgan Tsvangirai

Zimbabwe’s draft constitution which was supported by the three main parties in the ruling coalition gained 95 percent support in a public referendum held on March 16, according to results released by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission on March 19.

MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai gives his reaction:

The people of Zimbabwe have overwhelmingly voted for a new Constitution, endorsing a new dispensation and a new value system that sets in motion a new and democratic paradigm for the country.

From the Zambezi to the Limpopo, millions voted for a new era that respects human dignity; an era that will see the broadening of basic human rights, the empowerment of women and the setting of term limits for the President and heads of other public bodies.

From today, we have ushered in a new Zimbabwe that must necessarily come with a new culture of Constitutionalism and respect for the rule of law. This means inculcating a new value system among Zimbabweans, especially politicians and the security sector, to respect and adhere to the Constitution and stick to the cardinal dictate that no one is above the law.

Today, we witness the culmination of our struggle for a new dispensation for which a new, democratic Constitution is a key milestone.

Today, we celebrate this landmark achievement after many years of tears, sweat and blood, which has punctuated our experience since we started the democratic struggle through the Constitutional movement which we began in 1997.

Thus, the new Constitution is a baby of the democratic struggle in Zimbabwe.

Because this Constitution is our baby, owned collectively by the people of Zimbabwe, any act of impunity or violation of the provisions of this charter would be an act of infanticide and will not condoned or tolerated.

Zimbabweans, especially the government and state institutions, face the sternest test of sincerity because we have adopted this Constitution on the eve of an election.

Our conduct in the next election must show that we truly believe in Constitutionalism. This will be demonstrated by the way we adhere strictly to the letter and spirit of the new charter. It can only be a new, progressive and democratic charter to the extent that we comply with it and chart the new era of respect for human dignity and human rights that it enshrines.

As we look at events around us, let us not despair because in any transformation process, especially towards the end, there are always going to be events deliberately designed to stifle change and to distract us from the key goal.

We must remain steadfast and focussed despite these attempts to divert our attention from our democratic agenda.

I urge all Zimbabweans to remain resolute and determined in our march towards total transformation. Change is certain and inevitable.

Today, we have endorsed a new contract which spells out how we want to be governed.

Today, we have ushered in a new value system which poises our country for the many great opportunities that lie ahead.

Today, we have put in place the foundation for a new Zimbabwe.

Yes, we must congratulate ourselves for this achievement.

The major lesson as we put into effect this new Constitution is that indeed, a new Zimbabwe is possible well within our lifetime.

Congratulations, Zimbabwe.

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