
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

(NEWZIMBABWE) UK protest group targets Chinamasa

COMMENT - Zimbabwe Vigil is the 'rights group' that is headed by a member of British Military Intelligence (Geoffrey van Orden), and who consults with a member of the Rhodesian Special Forces (Roy Bennett). Read all about them, and their sabotaging of the Malawian government and economy here.

UK protest group targets Chinamasa
26/03/2013 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

UK-BASED protest group, Zimbabwe Vigil, called protests Tuesday against Justice Minister, Patrick Chinamasa, who is in London for a series of meetings with British government officials and donor organisations.

Chinamasa is part of a coalition government delegation that includes Cabinet colleagues, Elton Mangoma (MDC-T) and Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga (MDC).

Chinamasa’s Zanu PF party sees the meetings - the first high level engagement between Harare and London in several years - as “an indication that Britain realises that its foreign policy on Zimbabwe is collapsing and they want to embark on a new path.”

Relations between the two countries have been frosty since the European Union imposed sanctions against Zimbabwe in 2002, accusing President Robert Mugabe's government of human rights abuses and electoral fraud.

However, Zimbabwe vigil said Chinamasa – one of several officials banned from travelling to Europe under the sanctions which were suspended on Monday – should not have been allowed into the UK.

“We are saying Chinamasa is part of a regime which is responsible for gross human rights abuses in Zimbabwe; he is part of a regime that is responsible for electoral fraud, the violent put-down of political opponents and rampant corruption,” a Zimvigil coordinator said on Tuesday.

“By allowing him to freely travel the world, we are simply saying people can preside over these unacceptable abuses and still get away with it.”

Asked whether engaging with Zanu PF officials would not help the British government influence events in Zimbabwe, Zimvigil said the meetings had nothing to do with human rights and ensuring free and fair elections.

“European Union countries are largely motivated by their interest in Zimbabwe’s diamonds. That is why the sanctions have been suspended,” she said.

“There is no other justification for suspending sanctions as to a reward a constitutional referendum when both the MDC-T and Zanu PF are saying they will change the charter should they win the next elections.

“Clearly, the referendum has been a waste of time and money which the country can ill afford. We are also concerned that the terms of the GPA have not been fully implemented which means we are unlikely to have credible fresh elections.”

Zimbabwe is due to hold fresh polls later this year to replacae the coalition government which came into office after a violent vote in 2008.

Chinamasa has already said the new elections must be held by June 29.
But the MDC formations have rejected the timeframe saying more time is needed to implement reforms that will help ensure a credible vote.

“Elections by June 29 are unworkable considering what needs to be done. Chinamasa should work with Minister Matinenga in drawing a roadmap to elections,” said Luke Tamborinyoka, Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s spokesman.

“The ministers will prepare timelines taking into account the legal requirements and the political reforms that need to be implemented before the Principals come up with the date for elections.”

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