
Friday, March 29, 2013

Sata calls for unconditional love

Sata calls for unconditional love
By Fridah Nkonde
Fri 29 Mar. 2013, 14:01 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata has urged Zambians to show unconditional love to one another and move away from vices that have the potential to destroy the nation.

And President Michael Sata yesterday surprised the Lusaka Indian Ladies Association when he almost punctuated their lunch with first lady Dr Christine Kaseba as he took turns to greet them.

In his Easter message issued yesterday, President Sata said that Christians needed to reflect deeply on how they could relate with one another in conformity with the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.
He said for his family and him, the Easter period had always been time for reconciliation and benevolence.

"During this important period, let us all remember that it's only real and absolute love and compassion for one another that can separate us from iniquitous vices such as corruption, greediness, bitterness and hate," President Sata said in a statement by his special assistant for press and public relations George Chellah.

"We need to constantly remind ourselves that these evil vices and many others can and will never put forward prosperity except to destroy our beloved country and its people. We need to overcome evil with love and care for one another especially remembering the plight of the less privileged in our midst."

President Sata urged Zambians to celebrate Easter conscientiously and never lose focus of the reason behind this season.

"Let this Easter period unify and remind us, particularly those privileged with the mantle of leadership that we must always endeavour to serve with utmost humility, sincerity and dedication to the country. For these are some of the virtues that articulate our belief and hope in the Christian faith," he said.

Meanwhile, first lady Dr Christine Kaseba during the Lusaka Indian Ladies Association (LILA) donations to NGOs at State House yesterday said mothers at the University Teaching Hospital mother's shelter needed a lot of help.

"That place needs as much help as it can because we have a lot of women who are waiting for patients and you can imagine the anguish of delivering and not going home with your baby and you have to wait till the baby is out," Dr Kaseba said.

LILA donated to various organisations assorted items including money, all totalling K30 million (KR30 000), with Ubutala bwa bumi, an organisation that the first lady chairs being one of the receipients.
She said LILA's gesture demonstrated that those that gave to others always received more.

LILA chairlady Jassi Kumar said the organisation was inspired by Dr Kaseba's example.

"We admire your contribution in the health sector, particularly the fight against cervical cancer. We will continue to need your blessings for our future endeavors," said Kumar.

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