
Tuesday, March 05, 2013

(STICKY) (NEWZIMBABWE) Don't lie about violence: President

COMMENT - The MDC want to fool the world into thinking that the only way you can convince people that they should have their land back and that they should benefit from their own natural resources is through political violence. They are way too arrogant to ever admit that they cannot convince enough of the electorate of the benefits of neoliberal economics, especially because their policies were tried from 1991-1996, and are broadly hated.

Don't lie about violence: President
Sunday, 03 March 2013 00:00
Kuda Bwititi in Bindura

President Mugabe has castigated the MDC-T for peddling falsehoods that Zanu-PF is leading a trail of violence ahead of the harmonised elections adding that the revolutionary party is committed to winning the forthcoming polls peacefully.

Speaking at the 21st February Movement celebrations in Bindura yesterday, the Head of State and Government and Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces said the MDC-T was acting against the spirit of the inclusive Government by making outrageous accusations without seeking dialogue.

He said the recent death in an inferno of 12-year-old Christpower Maisiri of Headlands exposed MDC-T’s dirty tricks of trading fabrications about the political situation in the country.

“Vamwe vanhu vava nechirwere chekuti wese wese wafa awurayiwa neZanu-PF. (Some people are now fond of blaming Zanu-PF for the death of anyone),” he said.

“They are ever keeping their ears to the ground, tracking funerals in order to blame the death on Zanu-PF. Even when one gets killed by a cow; they blame it on Zanu-PF. If one falls off a moving vehicle, the same people also blame it on Zanu-PF. Sections of the Press then splash the stories, running with the falsehoods.”

Cde Mugabe said the MDC-T compiled dossiers for the Americans and British alleging a Zanu-PF hand in the death of Maisiri, but failed to discuss the matter with fellow inclusive Government members.

He criticised US Ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Bruce Wharton for taking a position despite preliminary police investigations showing the absence of foul play.

“If you suspect Zanu-PF, then why don’t you discuss the matter with this Zanu-PF? Instead, they write dossiers and take them to the US and Britain, saying Zanu-PF killed people in a trail of violence.

“What does America have to do with our unity and our people? The American ambassador even went to the extent of making a statement even before police investigations were yet to be completed.

“The preliminary police report was that there was no foul play in the death that occurred in Headlands. But he goes on to condemn Zanu-PF. If he wants to support the MDC-T on the basis of dishonesty let him tell us that is what he wants to do because we know that in his country, they have done worse things.

“…Bush committed atrocities in Iraq. And just yesterday, they killed Gaddafi. They hounded and hunted Gaddafi and they killed him for his oil.”

The President said Zanu-PF would romp to victory in the harmonised elections in spite of such unsavoury tactics. He emphasised that unity was critical to a resounding electoral success.

“Of course, in the forthcoming elections, we are going to win. We are not going to win violently, but, peacefully. We want peaceful elections.

“We should be reminded that above all things unity is crucial. Let us be united in all facets of life, whether be it in church, cultural communities or whatever aspect of life. Unity, unity, unity.

“This is the basis of our strength and this will be the basis of our victory tomorrow. If we want to succeed in the forthcoming elections, we should be united.

“But you cannot say you are united if you fight amongst yourselves. There must be harmony and peace amongst us.”

Cde Mugabe challenged Zanu-PF leaders in Mashonaland Central to drum up support for the party and ensure the province retains its position as a party stronghold.

Turning to agriculture, he said farmers who are not making full use of farms allocated to them under the land reform programme should surrender their land to capable farmers.

He also took a swipe at farmers subletting their land to white ex-commercial farmers.

“Some people have become shadows of white people. We do not want our people to be fronts. Be a genuine farmer. Tell us honestly if you have failed.

“However, not many can do that. All some people want to do is boast about being farm owners. I am happy with the efforts being made by A1 farmers who are making maximum use of their land despite having just six hectares.”

The 21st February Movement celebrations are held every year to mark President Mugabe’s birthday, which falls on February 21. The event also seeks to encourage young Zimbabweans to emulate Cde Mugabe’s ideals.

Yesterday’s celebrations drew thousands who packed Chipadze Stadium. The celebrations were held under the theme, “Youth for Indigenisation, Empowerment, Development and Employment Creation”.

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