
Monday, April 29, 2013

Extended family system vital in poverty fight - Scott
By Kabanda Chulu
Thu 25 Apr. 2013, 14:01 CAT

COMMENT - How about taxing the mines, VP? Why would family members have to pay (twice) for government services that are supposed to come from taxes? - MrK

THE PF's concern for the poor is still alive, says Vice-President Guy Scott.

And World Vision Zambia has invested over US$1.2 billion since 1981 through various interventions in areas of health, education, HIV and AIDS, water and sanitation, agricultural improvements aimed at uplifting poor Zambians.

Officially launching the World Vision national strategy for fiscal year 2013 to 2015 in Lusaka yesterday, Vice-President Scott said the government was impressed with the organisation's consultative approach when coming with programmes aimed at reducing poverty.

"When we took over government, we found out that this country was almost becoming an elitist economy where you find consistent traffic jams comprising vehicles costing US$80,000 each yet we are a poor country," Vice-President Scott said. "Individuals should take responsibility of other individuals; we need to mobilise this aspect where villagers, for example, used to bring maize for other villagers in need. Hence we believe that extended family system still remains a critical component in our society as we try to alleviate poverty and uplift the well-being of others."
And World Vision Zambia board chairman Mutale Chisala said the institution was committed to serving children, families and their communities to reach their full potential by helping tackle the causes of poverty.
Outlining the national strategy, WVZ field operations director Fordson Kafweku said the institution intends to contribute to the improvement in the wellbeing of 940,000 vulnerable children and improve the quality of life of 230,000 households in the communities it serves.
"These community led programmes are indirectly impacting over three million people countrywide each year."
The WVZ national strategy would focus on education, food security and economic development, health, nutrition and HIV/AIDS, water, sanitation and hygiene.
And WVZ national director Michael Veitenhans said the institution had shown a dedicated service in Zambia through implementation of a range of interventions in various sectors costing US$1.2 billion since 1981.

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