
Monday, April 29, 2013

Learn true leadership from KK - Chisala
By Ernest Chanda
Mon 29 Apr. 2013, 14:00 CAT

NORTHERN Province minister Obious Chisala has implored his fellow leaders to learn true leadership from Dr Kenneth Kaunda. Dr Kaunda celebrated his 89th birthday yesterday. Chisala said Dr Kaunda would always remain a unifying factor in Zambia.

"Dr Kaunda is a role model in this country and in Africa. Today (yesterday) he is 89 because he has always utilised the wisdom he learnt from others. And God has preserved him this far for a purpose; that he continues to inspire some of us who are young leaders," said Chisala.

"He is a unifying factor in this country because of his skill in uniting all tribes. If Dr Kaunda's politics were as we see them in some of our colleagues today, Zambia would not have been here today. With these tribal politics we are seeing today, it would have been difficult for Dr Kaunda and his colleagues to free this country. There is a lot we can learn from this great son of Africa; courage, humility and patriotism."

Meanwhile, Chisala has urged fellow ministers to identify themselves with people's problems by visiting various communities.

He said it would be difficult for ministers to know the people's challenges if they were not interacting with them.

"Let us take advantage of the Presidential directive that we visit our areas of jurisdiction so that we see what is affecting our people. The closer we get to the people, the more we shall know about their problems and sort them out," said Chisala.

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