
Saturday, April 06, 2013

Lubinda can't be trusted - Dora
By Roy Habaalu
Fri 05 Apr. 2013, 14:01 CAT

DORA Siliya says Given Lubinda teamed up with some opposition members of parliament to fight tourism minister Sylvia Masebo. And Lubinda, who is Kabwata Central PF member of parliament, said he needed time to digest Siliya's claims.

Siliya, who is MMD spokesperson and Petauke Central member of parliament, said Lubinda was a treacherous person that could not be trusted and always wanted to bring others down.

Siliya said she was not surprised that the PF wanted Lubinda out because he carried himself as the cleanest person yet his politics were of dark-corner meetings.

She claimed Lubinda, who has been suspended from the party for six months after the disciplinary committee found him guilty of treachery and working with the opposition to frustrate the government, discredited his party whenever he met opposition members of parliament when he was foreign affairs minister.

"I maintain that Given Lubinda is treacherous and can't be trusted. He always wants to bring others down and the same Sylvia he calls princess, he worked against her and told me that 'you (Dora) they harassed you that you cancelled the tender when you didn't but Sylvia cancelled the ZAWA tender'. Lubinda is a snake in the grass. When things go well for him, he turns against the very friends he worked with. UPND and I can testify including Sylvia. He's a proper snake in the grass" said Siliya.

Siliya said this was the beginning and would soon expose more of how Lubinda and his clique worked against Masebo and other party officials.

"That's why the good people of Kabwata Constituency saw through him that he's all talk and nothing else and he can't do a 'don't kubeba' on me because he says one thing and does the other. I maintain that Lubinda is treacherous with a tendency of working against his friends. He shouldn't cry like a baby that people are out to get him out of the party. He attempted to leak information to me and I refused because he can't be trusted but other people in PF, we can work with, not Lubinda. He thinks being APNAC (African Parliamentarian Network Against Corruption) president then he's presidential material, let him keep his presidential ambitions to himself. He's no presidential material," she said.

Siliya, a former minister of transport and communication, said it was Lubinda that took her to a tribunal accusing her of corruptly awarding a tender to a foreign company and pretended she was her friend.

"For three years he (Lubinda) was not talking to me but when the Sylvia issue came out, he walked straight to my seat in Parliament to make sure Sylvia was in trouble. I'm not interested in Sylvia's issues but I'll not be used in his schemes because he was against me, at least that's my opinion. He's a snake in the grass. I will not be his useful idiot to settle his scores and that I did tell him in Parliament that people thought he was using me against Masebo but I refused to be worse than a useful idiot and that is to be a stupid idiot," she said.
Siliya said Lubinda was an ambitious and dangerous politician who always wanted to satisfy his ego.

Lubinda had asked Siliya to apologise over her statement recently that he was a treacherous person.

Meanwhile, a source at Parliament has revealed that Lubinda had been inviting Catholic nuns at National Assembly where he complained of persecution by some party officials.

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