
Tuesday, April 02, 2013

PF govt wants to restore one-party state - Kaingu
By Moses Kuwema
Mon 01 Apr. 2013, 14:01 CAT

MMD vice-president for politics Michael Kaingu says the party is not surprised with Feira member of parliament Patrick Ngoma's resignation to join the PF.

Kaingu accused the PF government of trying to create a one-party state by wiping out the opposition political parties.

"We are not surprised, that's what this government wants. This government wants to wipe out the opposition. They want us to go into the one-party state. It is up to the Zambians if that's what they want. We fought very hard as MMD in 1991 to bring back multi-partism but if the people of Zambia want to degenerate back to 1991 or before, who are we to stop them?" Kaingu said.

Asked if the MMD would contest the by-election in Feira, Kaingu said: "We have to meet as top management to make a decision on whether to contest the by-election in Feira or not."

Ngoma on Saturday resigned from the MMD to join the PF, citing leadership wrangles in the former ruling party among other reasons.
And on President Michael Sata's Easter message, in which he urged Zambians to show unconditional love to one another and move away from vices that have the potential to destroy the nation, Kaingu wondered how that was possible.

"How can there be love when there is the police all over? We are now more or less under state police. You remember when we were in Livingstone, there were so many policemen, people are getting scared and are wondering what sort of country this one is. When you talk about peace, you don't even need the police, if you are serious about peace," said Kaingu.

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