
Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Sata delivering - Nkomeshya
By Mwala Kalaluka in Chongwe
Mon 01 Apr. 2013, 14:00 CAT

HOUSE of Chiefs chairperson chieftainess Nkomeshya II of the Soli people yesterday vowed to defend her statement that President Michael Sata's government is delivering on its campaign promises if some people want to describe it as politics.

And chieftainess Nkomeshya says the people of Chongwe will pray for President Sata so that he bounces back in State House in 2016. Meanwhile, President Sata told the people of Chongwe yesterday that many Zambian men lack the spirit of perseverance.

But Chongwe's St Paul's Catholic Parish priest Fr Gabriel Mwanamwalye says irresponsible characters always rush to point fingers at others instead of owning their decisions.

In a vote of thanks after President Sata and first lady Dr Christine Kaseba joined hundreds of Catholics at an Easter Mass held at Chongwe's St Paul's Catholic Church yesterday, chieftainess Nkomeshya said her people were seeing the development that the government was delivering.
"We will be praying for you that even in 2016 you come back because your works are being seen by everybody," said chieftainess Nkomeshya as the congregation applauded.

"When other people say'when are the promises going to be made?' I think for us here in Chongwe, we have seen what is happening. You are linking Zambia. You are not upgrading roads which were left by other people. You are opening new roads to link, to pass in areas where other people never thought that they needed a road, but you are doing it. What else are we looking for? We thank you, please continue. All the people of Zambia need you."

She said the fact that people were defecting from their political parties to join the party in government was an indication that President Sata was doing very well.

"If you were not, they were going to stick to their political parties. We thank you," chieftainess Nkomeshya said. "I am not campaigning. It is not my role. I do understand the Constitution of the Republic of Zambia and its requirements and the dos and the don'ts as a traditional leader... Therefore, if I am talking about developmental things, it cannot be referred to as politics. If people want to refer to it that way, I will stand my ground and defend my position."

Chieftainess Nkomeshya, who thanked President Sata for the donation of K50 million for the Church to erect a wall perimeter, said being the first female House of Chiefs chairperson was a challenge but that she could only make a difference with the support of the government.
"It demonstrates that you yourself, from what you have said, are a grassroots leader. You have come to celebrate the Mass with the poor, with the villagers. What else can we say?" she said. "I also want to thank people who have congratulated me for my election as chairperson of the House of Chiefs. It is a challenge but with the hand of the Lord, I will meet the expectations of the chiefs and their subjects in this country."

And President Sata said Zambia would go a long way if its men learnt to persevere like women.

"But men, even of my own age, perseverance is lacking," President Sata said. "There is no perfect person… if you don't offend others, be offended but all of us we offend each other. Let us forgive each other."

President Sata, however, said the spiteful and backstabbers should forget about going to heaven.

"If Jesus had hearts like ours, he would not even have died on the cross," he said.

President Sata said he had persevered from the time he was a councillor to date.

"No one wants to be a loafer," said President Sata.

But delivering his homily at the same Mass, Fr Mwanamwalye said Easter was a time for a renewal.

"It is a day of joy, it is a day of love, it is a day of reconciliation and it is a day of liberation," he said. "If we are to understand the meaning of Easter, we must go back to where it all began, at creation."
Fr Mwanamwalye said when sin entered the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, Adam blamed the woman and the woman in turn blamed the serpent.

"Here comes an issue of responsibility. Us human beings, when we are found wanting, instead of owning up over our decisions, we point a finger at somebody," he said.

Fr Mwanamwalye said when someone steals from the poor people, they first offend God, then offend those who are affected and they ultimately degrade their personality.

"A leader must always be a servant… There are some people who have tried and tried but at last they managed to get what they wanted. We don't want to mention names," he said. "The poverty we are seeing has some background; greedy people… There are is an aspect of corruption, stealing from the poor people."

Fr Mwanamwalye said amidst applause that the corrupt tendency of stealing from poor people should be fought religiously but also with love.

"It is a noble task to defend the poor," he said.
Fr Mwanamwalye said laziness, lack of priorities and regionalism were also the other stumbling blocks inhibiting Zambians from enjoying life to the fullest.

"In our country we have a lot of people who are lazy," he said.

Fr Mwanamwalye said obsession with tribe would just cause war.
Fr Mwanamwalye in his closing speech asked President Sata to continue being humble and closer to the people.

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