
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

WP deserves equal share of national development - Sata
By Joseph Mwenda in Lukulu
Tue 16 Apr. 2013, 14:01 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata says the people of Western Province deserve an equal share of national development because they did not choose to be born in the region.

And President Sata refused to receive gifts from the PF provincial organizing committee in Lukulu West, saying he would only do so once he delivers development to the area.

President Sata said this when he addressed voters at Mitete and Muyondoti basic schools in Lukulu West Constituency ahead of the April 23 parliamentary by-election.

He told PF aspiring candidate Eileen Imbwae to show selfless leadership once elected MP.

"Madam Imbwae, have you seen these women and children here? Did they choose to be born here by you people? Did they apply that they should be suffering? Look, they have no transport, they have no electricity. The children don't even have an idea how it feels to sleep on a mattress," he said.

"Are you not ashamed that 49 years after independence, women are still giving birth under a tree in this area?"

President Sata said the future of youths in Lukulu West was uncertain as they did not have a secondary school in the area.

"These children have no future. Some, if they are lucky, they will finish grade seven, some grade nine. You need a secondary school. You need a hospital. There is need to construct a police station here almost immediately. But it is up to you. If you don't give me an MP, how can I channel money for development to an opposition MP who will just be jumping up and down," he said.

President Sata said during his recent trip to China, he managed to attract investors who would set up rice production industries in the province.

"I will soon bring some Chinese who will show you how to grow rice," he said.

Gender minister Inonge Wina said the government would build six more modern health centres in addition to the existing two.

After addressing a rally at Mitete, President Sata was presented with gifts, but declined to accept them.

"Why should I be getting gifts from these people before I give them my gift? You have to bring gifts to them first," he told Western Province minister Obvious Mwaliteta.

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