
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dialogue is paramount in all relationships - Chiputa

By Mwala Kalaluka
Mon 13 May 2013, 14:00 CAT

UNIVERSITY of Zambia academician Dr Eustern Chiputa says only unreasonable people fail to sit down to dialogue when differences arise.

And Dr Chiputa says the prevailing hate speech in the country's governance arena is not helping in national building and is being fuelled by citizens that pick and amplify ill sentiments from political leaders.

Commenting on Apostolic Nuncio to Zambia Archbishop Julio Murat's message on the use of dialogue as a bridge builder among people, Dr Chiputa said any relationship without dialogue was no relationship at all.
"For any relationship to grow, to blossom and to be nurtured, dialogue is cardinal," Dr Chiputa said. "When dialogue comes first, it is paramount in resolving any dispute."
He said people should come together to talk whenever disputes arise and the problems could be sorted out regardless of their magnitude.
"Sometimes people fail to reason and they resort to war," Dr Chiputa said said.
Archbishop Murat on Friday said that no real bridges could be built among men without God.
And Dr Chiputa said there was urgent need for national building.
"Governance is not an issue for the people in government alone. Governance is an issue for every Zambian, for every citizen of a particular country, more so those that hold positions of responsibility both in government and outside government because responsibility is not just for those who are in the government. Responsibility is required even for those in the opposition because today's opposition leaders are tomorrow's government leaders," said Dr Chiputa, who is also UNZALARU president. "Responsibility is also required even for those who are in Church because the Church is said to be the moral barometer of the society and when I say Church, I include those people that belong to other faith apart from Christianity; for example, our Muslim brothers and sisters, our Hindu brothers and sisters, the Sikhs and many other people even those that may not have any religious inclination. All of us need to subscribe to some sort of etiquette in terms of governance."
Commenting on Zambia Episcopal Conference president Archbishop Ignatius Chama's observation on Saturday that the emerging seeds of division, jealousy and competition for power in the country have led to a fractured society that needs repair, Dr Chiputa said those in power must have a very large heart to accommodate all sorts of people "because when you are in leadership you expect a lot of people to insult you".

"But then again for those that are outside government, they must know that one day, God willing, they might also be in power so they must exercise restraint in the way that they deal with their colleagues in government. I don't mean they should fear them. I don't mean they should just keep quiet when things go wrong. There are many ways of castigating those who are in power without necessarily having to insult them," said Dr Chiputa.

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