
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Govt committed to improving farmers' lives - Samfya DC

By Prince Chibawah in Mansa
Fri 10 May 2013, 14:00 CAT

SAMFYA district commissioner Royd Chakaba says the government is committed to improving the living standards of small-scale farmers.

Speaking in Samfya yesterday during the District Co-operative Union annual general meeting held at Samfya Youth Skills Centre, Chakaba said the government regards co-operative input as a cornerstone in social and economic development.

He said the government was determined to create an enabling environment for the co-operative movement to flourish, describing it as part of strategic means for enhancing income generation, job creation and community development.

Chakaba said the government had also made strides in developing co-operative training programmes to meet the needs of the co-operative movement in changing social, economic and political environment.
Meanwhile, Chakaba has apologised to farmers in the area for the late distribution of inputs last season under the Farmer Input Support Programme.

"As government, we are apologising to you our farmers for the delay in distributing inputs last farming season. This was due to the fact that the suppliers who were tasked to carry out the exercise did not perform according to the expectations. However, my government has put up corrective measures to ensure the situation doesn't repeat itself," he said.

Chakaba further urged the farmers to desist from selling their produce to briefcase buyers.

Meanwhile, Chakaba has expressed disappointment over Samfya District Co-operative Union's non-performance.

He noted that the role of the co-operative union was to ensure its membership utilise their potential through commercial activities.

"We have observed that most co-operatives become active during FISP acquisition, which we are discouraging as government. This is a timely warning to you that the government, through the Department of Co-operatives, is on the ground to identify and flush out such co-operatives because they have now become a liability to the nation," said Chakaba.

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